Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why depressed with no reason?

I have been diagnosed with depression, however I dont have anything to be depressed about, I am seeing a psychologist, and I'm on medication. I have been cutting myself for the last 5 years ,,, but I am usure why, initially I think it was because of the pain I felt after cutting, but now I feel nothing, I can cut right through my flesh wiith out flinching ... maybe I am crazy ... I dont know! I have no idea why I would be depressed ... unless I have some sort of repressed childhood memories I dont want to remember ... I'm stressed from work but I wouldn't consider that depressed ... can anyone shed some light on this for me? :)

Why depressed with no reason?opera mobile

Often depression occurs without a true reason because it is neurological and occurs due to a neurotransmitter imbalance. People can experience a depressed mood after a tragic or stressful event, however this is not true depression that is diagnosed and treated with medication.

I suggest you make an appoint with a local psychiatrist.

Why depressed with no reason?imax theatre opera theater

Self-mutilation is from a form of depression, usually clinical. If the meds are not working, don't ask why you do it, ask what you need to be doing to stop! Good luck!
As others have said, you don't need to have reasons to be depressed; it's a chemical imbalance. If you are still cutting it means your meds are not working well. Please see a psychiatrist who should be able to find something that will relieve your depression. You may also have issues that you have buried so deep you're not aware of them. Keep working with the psychologist. It may take time, but eventually you should be able to iron things out.

Please stop cutting yourself; you could do yourself great harm. Find some activity that will substitute for whatever you get from the cutting. Be good to yourself. Good luck.
That's the kicker with endogenous (vs. situational) depression. Whether or not you are in depressing circumstances has little to nothing to do with whether or not you will suffer from depression. It is a chemical issue (i.e., imbalances in vital neurotransmitters) which causes the depression (independent of circumstances).

Psychotherapy AND medication are the way to go. Just one or the other isn't going to cut it. It is the combination of the two which you need to overcome this powerful foe.

Best of luck,

It could be a chemical imbalance, or maybe some mental issue you are unaware of. no, you are not crazy, alot of people have mental issues that have to deal with, it doesn't mean they are crazy. i suggest talking to a therapist is see if they can help you with your cutting.
depression is often inherited. if you have no reason to be depressed, then this might be why. you just can't help it.
A great thing to do to raise serotonin levels (that make you feel good) is to make sure you get at least 20 minutes of outside light a day. Even if it is cloudy you will get 90% more light than when you stay inside. Combine this with a 20 minute walk and you'll really feel well. Also, taking B-6 (50mg) and Folic Acid (400g) and eating foods low in fat and high in protein can help elevate your mood, as well. Good luck
I've been depressed since I can remember. It took doctors 8 yrs to find a combination of meds. to make me feel like living, just wanting to be here. I have struggled for a long time. But I do feel better. I am married and have 2 children and now 1 grandchild. I have everything to live for. But its still hard. Over the years, they did some researching into my family. And found out that depression runs in my family. Its a chemical imbalance, my body does not produce something I need to function like everyone else. I will have to take meds. for the rest of my life. But Its okay, things are much better now. Don't give up, life can be beautiful. Pay attention to the way you feel, and if the meds. are not working, let someone know right away. There are so many things now to help. Don't be embarrassed, admit you need help. I tried to hide it for many years. And that was wrong. Coming forward and asking for help was the best thing I ever did. Find a good doctor who will listen to you, and not treat you as a dollar sign. And you will get help.

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