Saturday, December 5, 2009

Should i leave him or not?

please help me to forget him..i really love him with all my heart but i keep thingking about bad things of him..actually he's not..

just my imagination..but i can't controlled it..the bad thingkings make me feel like killing myself cause i'm stressed because of more thing that makes me can't forget him is because our relationship were like husband n know what i what should i do? should i leave him or should i get rid of those bad thingkings..and how to get rid of the bad thingkings..i'm not happy with me please..

Should i leave him or not?shows

So sorry you are going through a hard time in life. But please don't hurt yourself, because assuming he cares for you, he wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, no matter how bad things are between you two. Have you ever talked to a professional, like a counselor? Cutting is really something that is destructive to your body, and it cannot take away any pain. Please don't hurt yourself. You sound like you want to leave and forget him, and you are in a lot of pain right now. The best way is probably to ask yourself, ...if you have really decided to leave him? Do you see any chance of you two together? If your answers are no, then you have no choice but to leave. The best way to forget someone is to keep yourself busy, spend more time at work, and tell your friends that you like their company more. Your friends are going to understand that you are going through a hard time, and they will want to be supportive of you. Don't stay alone by yourself, go out more, and just slept over or hang around friends more.

Friends who are supportive can really help you get through a tough breakup. Just make sure you tell your friends who you feel, and share with them your feelings. They will want to be there for you.

Life is hard sometimes, but things will get better!

Good luck! Remember, go see a counselor, and talk to your friends--espeically those that are close to you.

Should i leave him or not?comedy show opera theater

If I go there will be trouble

An' if I stay it will be double

So come on and let me know

Should I stay or should I go now?
I have no idea what to say to you to make you think otherwise of your husband but if you are unhappy but want to make it work then the two of you have to work person cannot hold a relationship together
Should you get rid of him? Has he done anything to hurt or cheat on you? I think, eventually you will sabotage the relationship. It can be avoided though. Therapy can be very helpful. Has anything bad ever happen to you? No father or mother, abuse, etc. Think about therapy.
why are you thinking negatively about him? is that because he had once been unfaithful to you? if your thinking is baseless may be you are just hallucinating. Keeping a relationship includes trusting the person.. if you can not trust him and believe what he says and does, you are not capable of loving.. so, why hold on to that relationship? sounds like more of a hell to me...

it pisses me off if my partner do not trust me... that is a question of my integrity...
to get into more details- has he done anything bad? is he thinking about it? has he cheated on you? how long have you guys been together?

email me for a much more private convo. ive been through this recently.....
Have you talked to anyone (especially him) about this? It'll help. Blog it if nothing else. But really, unless he's like murdering people or something i think you should tell him about it. PEople will tell you about unconditional love and not trying to change someone but who are they to have your love if they aren't willing to change for you? And if it's something already done. Hakuna matata, put your past behind you, look to the future.
If he's not doing anything wrong and you're still thinking bad things about him then maybe you dont really love him with all your heart. Examine yourself and verify what exactly it is that you feel towards him.
Well, if he makes you happy and make life worth living, stay. But if he makes you feel like killing yourself, you should try to move on. Andto get rid of bad thinkings? Try to distract yourself, maybe even try thearpy.
The best way is talk to him. go out with him on a dinner or cafe and be open and talk to him. guys can say what they dont mean to say. cause they really like u. so.... just talk to him. be stright
hey darl,the both of you should get together,sit down and have

a good look at the relationship,surely by now you must know

each other well enough to talk openly,tell him how much you

LOVE HIM. Talk is the best and only way you will ever know

what is making you think like this.No dont leave as that is the

easy way out,but if you do then you will be none the wiser!

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