Saturday, December 5, 2009

Natural Stress Relief?

I've been on medications and sedatives to help me out, but honestly I don't want to grow immune or addicted to them.

I'm keen to try out anything homeopathic or aroma therapy, but which should I try?

There is a store just near my house, full of various candles and insences, in the beginning I sort of assumed it was a shop for hippies, and have never really checked it out.

Now it intrigues me and I really want to know if anything along these lines will help me health wise.

Is there any specific scent or method that has worked for you?

Natural Stress Relief?

The fastest way to remove stress from your life is to find

a GOOD massage therapist

and go get a full body massage. This should be followed by at least an hour

of soothing meditation, preferably in a quiet room with soothing music.

A good massage will cost a bit but it's worth it if you value

your health and sanity.

When you're better able to cope, then begin removing whatever is causing you the

stress. It doesn't have to be drastic, just piece by piece,

get rid of what is stressing you.

I do not advocate candles.

I don't feel a person should be breathing in those fumes from various fragrances and the smoke is not good.

Natural Stress Relief?amc theatre opera theater

I'm not trying to be vulgar but sex (orgasm actually) really does wonders as a natural stress reliever. Beyond that I would suggest chamomile tea and a warm bath.
hot tubs
Believe it or not there's a natural stress reliever called Dr. Bach's Stress Rescue Remedy. It comes in a little vile with a dropper and whenever you get stressed out you put 4 drops under your tongue. I swear by it.

Another thing with the aroma therapy try jasmine or lavender. When out and about maybe carry around a nice lotion with a pleasant smell and just take a deep breath and relax.

I'm glad you're taking an extremely health conscious approach to yourself and how to cope with life's struggles.

Best of luck!

Love ~ Lyn Bee
Try putting a few drops of pure essential lavender oil in a warm bath and soak in that for 15 - 20 minutes ~ inhale the beautifull calming aromas. It reduces stress and calms the nervous system, lifts depression and eases headaches and insomnia too ?

caution ~ avoid using for the first 4 months ofpregnancy, longer if there is a history of miscarriage and don't use on infants or young children ........... if that is the case simply substitue for chamomile tea ... Chamomile tea is a classic and popular bedtime anti - insomnia drink and will soothe the over excitable, relieve mental strain and stress, depression ............... only organic though, as the commercial varieties have had nearly all the essential oils pulverised from them and could never possibly be used for therapeutic purposes.

Eat more foods rich in magnesium ~ magnesium is known as the antistress mineral and will help you deal with stressy situations and just the daily grind of life better.

foods rich in magnesium are ~ leafy and green vegies, nuts and seeds, wholegrain cereals and breads and cold water fishes such as tuna, sardines, salmon and whiting........... the EFA's (essential fatty acids) in the cold water fishes do a brilliant job for me for equalising my moods and stress levels, i try to eat some description of fish each day..... but each person is different and you need to find your own level.

Magnesium is needed in the body for healthy nerve and muscle functioning and of course for heart health. Foods rich in magnesium will also aide in eliminating constipation by increasing the production of hydrochloric acid in the tummy and thus assisting in digestion............ magnesium will also cure an acid tummy.

Get out in the fresh air and sunshine (vitamin D) and exercise as this will naturally raise the levels of serotonin in your brain and just make you feel fine ........... hey, even if its a walk in the park, chasing your mates or your kids around the shopping centre or even jumping in puddles when it rains, so long as it puts a smile on your dial buddy .......... works for me ?

I sincerely wish you the best of health %26amp; vitality buddy ???


Try a lavender spray on your pillow before you go to sleep to start out with and treat yourself to an aromatherapy massage, then if you like can start looking into this lovely calm world.
All the above suggestions are very useful. You can have a look at this one as well. By using the beneficial properties of herbs, we can treat ourselves to a cocktail that has a relaxing effects, benefiting of something that is usually associated with vices.

Prepare an infuse by boiling 7 grams of mallow in 20 centiliters of water. Filter and add the infuse to 20 centiliters of brandy and 20 centiliters of gin. Serve adding a leaf of mint and drink slowly, enjoying the relaxing effect of this drink.

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