Saturday, December 5, 2009

Has anyone else ever broken out in hives?

i'm 7days late for my period and now i am breaking out in little red bumps. I am going to the doc on Thursday just wondering if it's because i'm stressed.Aso the itch like crazy they are all over even my head.Any ideas i have no pets.And i already have an almost 6 month old.

Has anyone else ever broken out in hives?opera score

Could it be you are allergic to something else? I had that happen to me once, and it turned out I was allergic to an antibiotic medicine I had taken. I had to go to the hospital and spent 3 days there because of it! There are many, many things you could be allergic to, from medicine, to something in any of your cosmetics, hair and beauty products, cleaning products, dust, pets, plants, etc. Your doctor can do a series of allergy tests to see if you are allergic to anything.

Has anyone else ever broken out in hives?musicals opera theater

I get them from dairy.
Have you tried some cream for your rash? I think you ought to call your doc's office back and get an appt. for tomorrow, this is something that sounds urgetn to me, and if it's like most places, if you're sick, they'll usually work you in.

Also, an oatmeal bath may alleviate part of your itching, along with some hydrocortisone cream. Do you have a temperature? If so, it may not be hives.

A few years ago I had a severe bout with hives due to blood pressure med that lasted almost 2 months, so you have my total sympathy.

Good luck, dearie.
Are talking about a 6 month old baby? Your hormones probably changed, or you changed your laundry detergent, bath soap, eating habits. Or the stress of a new baby could make you nerves high on edge. Hang in there! Everything will be fine.
I broke out into hives about one year ago. I found out I was allergic to several things, all of which were new allergies. So, it is possible to develop allergies over time and stress (such as that with a new baby) can amplify your symptoms. Hydrocortisone cream can help alleviate the itching, but if your doctor determines that you do have allergies, medication should do wonders for you.
Yes. Flea problem.
i get my hives from shrimp, chicken and turkey.. for that i take benadryl which helps with the itchiness..

stress can cause hives..take claritin-- generic name=loratadine 10 mg.. you can get it at WalMart for like $4.00 for about 100 pills and take it once a day.. this has helped me control the hives.. i get it less often now.. but for the worst days i take benadryl..

hives are internal so it must be something that you ate.. my allergist told me this.. you might be allergic to something that you eat everyday.. i was never allergic to chicken, turkey or shrimp until last summer.. it sucks.. hehe.. i can't even have turkey for thanksgiving.. i used to eat chicken everyday too.. so.. yea..

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