Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why is this happening?

I don't no what's wrong with me but recently (3-4 days ago) I can't stop clenching and un-clenching my vagin. When I unclench and try to relax I get this feeling that I have to clench's weird.

Is it because I'm stressed? I'm also on my period so is it just because of that? It's worrying me so any ideas would help. Thanks! :)

Why is this happening?concert venue

no worries

this is quite normal during your period

the muscle action is called a Kegel ... this muscle is important to keep tight so what is happening is a good thing ... the best thing is to learn to control the Kegel as later in life you will want to do this on command (excercise).

Get used to the feeling and practice controlling it - make it contract at your wish ... beleive me, you will be very happy in a few years


but have no worries - it is natural ... and very common! Girls just don't gab about it :) and it happens in varying degrees to all of us as we mature. some notice, some don't.

Why is this happening?events opera theater

call your doctor..
you are weird
Okay...WAY outta my league on this one...urinary tract issues?

If it were an artifact of your period...has it happened before?

Hopefully some enlightened vagina owners will chime in, but always safe to chime in with "did you ask your doctor?"
Awesome. Maybe you are having a sexual awakening
I know what you're talking about. I suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, and I'm constantly flexing and unflexing the muscles in my forearms and in.... other places.
I think so that you have a bare neccesity, see an specialist or find someone that cool you off

My child is constantly sick, why?

My 5 year old is sick all the time since starting school. I'm not just talking 1 cold that overstayed it's visit. She gets sick for 10 days (fever, cough, stuffy nose), better for a week and a half, sick again 10 days, better for a week now sick again. I'm stressed out. House is clean, she eats super healthy and washes hands. Doctors diagnose typical colds- but this many? In a row? Constantly? Are other kids sick this much? She is going to the bathroom Okay, btw.

My child is constantly sick, why?performing shows

Encourage vitamins, fluids, %26amp; rest. Also, handwashing...teach her NEVER to touch her face while at school...everything has germs on it...%26amp; when she touches her eyes, nose, or mouth...she's introducing those germs to her body.

She's gonna have a rough year her first year in school %26amp;, in my opinion ( I work in an elementary school), it's a particularly gnarly germ pool this year!

She will build immunities and her subsequent years in school should be better.

Beware of the sinus infections...some require more than your standard 10 days of antibiotics. Usually it takes a full 21-day dose to really eradicate the infection....otherwise she'll seem fine while it's in check %26amp; then seem to be sick "again" when it progresses. My daughter is queen of sinus.

My child is constantly sick, why?say yes opera theater

take her to a chiropractor and give her vitamins
sounds like she just doesn't have a tough immune system. Give her a daily vitamin and go to the health store and look for something called "immu A". This helps to better an immune system and keeps away ear infections. When you go to the health store ask the person working what you can give your daughter to help her build a better immune system. This really will help....I guarentee it!
Maybe something is going on at school that keeps making your child ill. She should probably go to the doctor.
It's because she just started school and schools are filled with sick kids, germs, etc. Her immune system wasn't used to it, it should get better after this year once her immune system builds up.
It is cold and flu season.

Make sure she isn't putting her fingers in her mouth after touching like the grocery cart or something. Make sure she washes her hands frequently.
It is normal for a kid to be sick a lot when they are around a lot of other kids. Make sure she is taking vitamins. A company called Arbonne makes vitamins that are easily absorbed into the system so they are more beneficial than ones that you can get at the store. Tell her to make sure that she is not sharing drinks with other kids at school, and washing her hands at school. What kids do at home when mom and dad are watching and what they do at school can be two totally different things. Maybe get her a bottle of hand sanitizer to keep in her desk.
Ask a teacher about when they first began teaching and how sick they were all the time... most will tell you about either a never-ending cold, or five million colds. Schools are just full of germs and her body probably isn't used to it yet. Keep up the handwashing and the eating healthy. Make sure she gets a multivitamin, and consider sending her to school with the lil bottle of hand disinfectant.
probably a weak umne stystem.....make sure she drinks plenty of orange juice and vitamins
You might be overcleaning your house, and this might be setting your child up for the less sanitary places at school. This might not seem to make sense, but if you think about it, you see that her body has a weak immune system since it hasn't had to defend itself from anything in your house, but then is overwhelmed by the germs at school.

Try cleaning regularly, but not with chemicals. Try using natural alternatives that will keep your house clean, but not unnaturally clean to a point where she is unable to build up a healthy immune system.

Also, don't let her use hand sanitizers like Purel. They kill the beneficial microorganisms on hands as well as the good ones, making it even easier to get sick.

Try this, but also try those immune system boosting supplements mentioned in previous answers! Talk to your doctor about them before giving them to your kid too. What might be good for adults might not be good for a five year old.

Good luck!
Have her checked out for asthma. The cold lasting for so long sounds like a symptom of asthma. Also her immune system is shot because of being sick for so long. Try giving her vitamins and make sure she's getting lots of sleep! Sleep helps the immune system repair itself. If she has gotten behind on sleep that will keep her body run down %26amp; therefore make her catch colds more easily. Please talk to her doctor about the possibility of asthma -- they usually won't diagnose anyone before the age of 5 or 6 but let the doctor know your comcerned. Good luck! Hope she's feeling better soon!!
I was sick A LOT when i was that age! I started taking Claritin and i didn't get sick as much! No clue why, maybe it is just one cold that goes idle (for about a week) and then sparks up again!%26gt;?
I know how you feel i have a 5 yr old daughter and a 9 year old daughter and both of them have been sick on and off since school started and my 16mo old daughter keeps getting it from them it's been horrible first my 5yr old have strep then all of us got it like 2 weeks after school started then both had bronchitis and a cold and so on. 5 yr old just got over a cold now today she was complaining of a sore throat. so yea you have to just wait it out and if she's not getting better then take her in. we've seen the Dr about 4 times already since September. Good Luck
it is normal this time of year and also if it is the first time she is around a lot of children

what you need to do is to go to the pharmacy and buy her some vitamin or cod liver oil

that has help me a lot for my children
If it's her first year in school being exposed to all kinds of kids with all kinds of germs, I wouldn't say this is anything out of the ordinary. She might just need some time to build up an immunity to all the "bugs" out there. Plus, some people just have more of a tendency to get sick than others. I saw a special on the Discovery channel a while back on it - they think this is genetic.

If it makes you feel any better, during my first year of teaching I was ALWAYS sick, caught everything that went around, and by year two I seemed to be immune to a lot of it.
While it's fantastic to be a germ buster, you could be overdoing it and the chemicals are making your child sick. old is your house? I'd have it inspected for mold and termites. If you have anything living in the walls, it's going to make one sick...especially a child with a weaker immune system than an adult. Also, push good nutritious food and vitamins. The gummy ones are great!

Compressional Stress?

a concrete column has a volume of 565 m3 and a height of

20 m. what is the maximun weight (expresed in newtown ) that the column can tolerate before fractruing?

show your work.

can anybody please help me, I dont understand the problem the answer is not that inportant, but i would really like to learn how to do this type of problem.

Compressional Stress?mr messed up

Is concrete strengthen?

565m3 / 20m = 28,5m2

if it is rounded then it should has 3m radiant

if it is squared then it should has 5,25m side

Please inform all these and then post your question.

Compressional Stress?getting late opera theaterthe answer is wrong, i have the same the book the info you are requesting is not provided if the concrete is strengthen , if it's rounded or squared. but the answer is simple AREA = VOLUME X HIGHT knowing that just manupulate the formula ; stress= F/A Report It

Can stress cause a bloody nose? And if so is it normal?

I've been getting bloody noses almost every day or every couple days now. It seems like they happen when i'm stressin about something (which i do quite often lately). I used to get them alot when i was a kid but it just started comin back a couple months ago and its been a constant thing lately.

Can stress cause a bloody nose? And if so is it normal?tickets

Most likely, stress is increasing your blood pressure which is causing the nose bleeds. I would get checked at a health clinic. Good luck.

Can stress cause a bloody nose? And if so is it normal?ballet opera theater

I heard that high blood pressure which can be related to stress can cause a bloody nose.
Aww man, stress can do all kinds of wicked stuff to a person.. I'm pretty sure bloody nose is one of them..
it could be stress but it could be something else alot more serious, go to the doctor!
I don't think so. I think you should see a doctor.
Ignore the moron who answered first, and pay attention to the rest. Yes, stress can cause a bloody nose, but it is more likely that stress is causing high blood pressure which is causing the bloody nose. I could also be any of the other things mentioned here. The only way to know for sure is to see your doctor. Please don't look at this as something trivial, it could be a sign of a more serious problem.
epistaxis (nose bleed) can be caused by a number of things, among them, high blood pressure, blood irregularities, dehydrated nasal tissues, and picking your nose.

Suggest you have your blood pressure checked, a blood test to check your clotting factors, and get some saline nasal spray to moisturize the nasal passages.

Am I addicted to smoking?

Well, I first smoking at my friends birthday party last December. We were all drunk so I took the cigarette and had no clue what I was doing. First time I ever had one. Then in march on the same day I had three at a concert. From April-June I've had about 6 or 7. Randomly I crave one (more when I'm stressed) and I frequently smell cigarette smoke. Like now, I'm sitting in front of a computer and I can just smell the smoke. Whats wrong with me?

Am I addicted to smoking?comedy club

Are cigarettes addicting? YES.

Should you avoid having a cigarette ever again, even if you want one? YES

Do cigarette companies manipulate the nicotine to make you crave more? YES

Does smoking make your skin wrinkled and nasty? YES

Can smoking kill you? YES--lung cancer spreads usually to the brain...happened to my brother. They had to cut out a piece of his skull, then leave it open. He couldn't lie down for days %26amp; weeks. He got confused. He died at age 57.

Does smoking make you look cool? NO--it makes you look stupid!

Am I addicted to smoking?sheet music opera theater

You have acraving?

Get help. I've never been there myself, but if you're not at 2 packs a day, it should be easier for you to kick the habit.
maybe you should try those stop smoking aids, like the gum
becoming a smoker
Maybe you are starting to slowly get addicted, which is nothing to be proud of!! I smoked for about 6 years, and Thank God I quit smoking, it was hard yes, but now I can hang out with smokers and I wont crave it or dare to ask for one, Ive been smoke free for almost 2years now, and I dont plan to ever go back to that habit.
Having been a smoker, try to stay away from that. It is really bad news. It is also very difficult to quit later and it leads to horrible health problems for many people. You don't want to do this.
Smoking is an addiction so you are craving the smoke but don't do it.
Your body craves nicotine. Maybe you should use the patches and try to quit. If you are committed to quitting that is.

But I don't think you're addicted to smoking. I was a social smoker, but I don't smoke at all now. I still crave one now and then when I'm stressed or whatever.
Cruise the web and search , look at the open lungs of a smokers that die from smoking, You will stop smoking very fast. Cigarettes are poison and further more the cigarettes companies enhance the chemical in your smoke to make you crave for it and buy more. Please , give that a miss
Honey, if you're asking this question then you already have your answer. Smoking is a stupid, stupid habit. Do yourself a favor and don't ever pick up another one. There's so many better ways to handle your stress like exercising or taking a walk.
you r not addicted, if you were addicted, you would b having like 5 a day. but you should stop! it is hard, but wenever u think of smoking, think of something else, after getting through the first few times of that it will get easier, and easier, and easier. soon enough you will not crave them at all. but make sure u dont slip back into it

3 neg. at home pregnancy tests, no period, and we are trying to concieve?

Hello! I would appreciate anyones help to the following question. My husband and I have been trying to concieve for a long time. We had one miscarriage about six months ago. I had normal average 28 day cycle periods December through March 5, which was the first day of my last period. I was always normal before my previous pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage. If March 5, was the first day of my last cycle, I would be considered about 19 days late. I took three at home pregnancy tests, all of them came out negative. I know being late is normal, but before and after that miscarriage I was on a normal average 28 day cycle. Could I be pregnant and the hormone isn't showing up, yet? What is the longest time (how many weeks) the hormone would show up on a pregnant woman? I 've read it usually shows up by at least at week after the last day of your missed period. Please help, I'm stressing out. I feel like I'm in limbo.

3 neg. at home pregnancy tests, no period, and we are trying to concieve?concerts

I had the same problem with my first pregnancy. I had three miscarrages that were bad and it messed up my periods also. My doctor found out that the only way to find out I was pregnant was to do a blood test. If you are still late you should consider calling your doctor and getting a blood test and finding out if you are pregnant. I also found out the reason for my miscarrages was because of what is called a factor 5 blood clot disorder with my pregnancies but it only happens with the pregnancies. I had to have what is called a frozen blood test and now my husband and I have a beautiful daughter and a son on the way. I will hope the best for you and when I was younger my doctors always said I would never get pregnant and would always loose them and now look I have one child and one on the way.

3 neg. at home pregnancy tests, no period, and we are trying to concieve?headache opera theater

Ok. Take a deep breath. It's nerve wracking to wait! I had the same problem as you. I took tests at day 10 and day 14 late and They were negative, too. I went for a blood test and I am Pregnant! 8 weeks now. So just try and relax. Call your doctor and see how soon you can have a blood test. Then you only have to wait 24 hours or so.
A blood test is always the best way to be for sure. A doctor is your best answer. I wish you luck!!
If you were you I'd get a blood test done at your OBGYN. They are more accurate and can even test the amount of pregnancy hormone in y our system. Not to scare you, but speaking from personal experience, I've had two miscarraiges and with each one, I didn't get a positive preg test until I was on day 45 in my cycle, and then a week later on each lost the babies. There wasn't enough pregnancy hormone which was a bad sign. :(
A blood test is the best way. It only takes about 24 hours. Sometimes the at home test are not as on point as they should be. I wish you favor with God and if He finds it in yoiur best interest to conceive that He will grant you the desires of your heart. Be encouraged
Hi! Well first of all, there are many reasons to have a late period. Stress is a huge factor. The pregnancy hormone, is shown as soon as the embryo implants. Depending on the test and how sensative it is is when you can get a positive. The best plan is to go and get a blood test. This will give you a defenitive answer. There are many women whom got negative home pregnancy tests but got positve blood tests. So just relax and get that blood test. Hoping that you get a positive answer!

Baby Girl Names?

I'm having twin girls and I'm stressing about names. I've been attached to Carlin all my life and also lke the name Malia, kinda. if you could say and different names? Or middle ones for Carli and Malia please do!

Baby Girl Names?playhouse

Malia is pretty my goddaughter is named that how about Lamia and Malia just switch the letters around how bout Malia Simone and Lamia Celine or Jamia

Baby Girl Names?plays opera theater

Carlin Treva and Malia Tammy
Carli Lynn

Carli Anne

Carli Rose

Carli Hope

Malia Faith

Malia Hope

Malia Jane

Malia Kay
I would name my girl Amma and Emma
I like Brianna Nicole, Trinity, Isabella and Daniella

Good luck

carlin marie is good'what about carlina malia

or do carlin malia and do tallon michelle
I personally love the name Balynn Brooke(prounounced Bay-lynn)
my daughter name, Lina
How about

Aubree Annette



Those are my favorite names
I like Elise, carlin sounds great. So many names - but I like the ones you have chosen - I think they are beautiful.
Madison and Madden

Christine and Crystal

Mckenzie and Melinda

Micheal and Michele
I like carlin but not malia,

Carlin and Alexandra or Carlin Alexandra

and Aaliyah Raquel
Danny Lynn ( your Baby will be famous) Jk

Kaiser Mariea

Linda ( Means Pretty One )






KERRY ( Princess)

JOSEPHINE ( God Will Increase)

Those are both really pretty names. I really like Carli.

I also love the names Kaleigh, Parisa, Daniella..

Daniella Carli

Parisa Malia
i think these are all beautiful names:







any of these are pretty
I have no clue how to pronounce Carlin without saying it like Carolyn? So maybe go for that instead and Malia is alright but sounds kinda strange .... I love the names Chelsea and Brianna. Dakota and middle name Rose is a gorgeous name too.
i rly like the name malia and treva try and stick to name of ppl these day ya knwo like if u want a long aem deanne or shoshannah or short names like lina or lenny
Carlin Marie and Malia Catherine

Carlin Michelle and Malia Cassandra

Carlin Mikayla nad Malia Clarissa

Carlin Morgan and Mailia Chantelle

Carlin Annabell and Mailia Avery

Carlin Hayden and Mailia Harley

Carlin Taylor and Mailia Riley
i like katlyn marie and tara rose

How can I stop biting my nails?????

I know I do it when i'm stressed and can stop myself but it's mostly without thinking, when i'm bored, concentrating or even just watching tv.

I've always done it and it didn't used to bother me that much, the problem now is that my son has started copying me, and it's not a good look for a 2 year old!!!!

How can I stop biting my nails?????classical music

aww well first maybe u should get Tips so that helps u not to bite them off, or chew gum in ur spare time, you can also munch on little things like carrots something crunchy so u wont be frustrated with ur nails and tell ur son No NO silly goose and make him laugh. make him understand its bad.. his brain is a sponge that will copy/folow anything so he'll stop

How can I stop biting my nails?????ms stress opera theater

Keep on biting them until they are gone and then you will realise the error of your ways.
You used to able to get some very bitter stuff from the chemists to paint on your nails. Every time you put your fingers to your mouth, it tastes horrible. Try it.
If you have a week to go camping, your nails will get filthy and you won't feel like putting them in your mouth. That's how I did it!
nail polish jst doesnt work bt yep nail polish remover worked for me, its like even when u wash it off the taste is still there...ive stopped biting then ever since ofcourse at the end of the day its all bout self discipline...good luck lol...xXx
Don't put them in your mouth...........
Ok, when i was six I used to bite my nails ALL the time...its a bummer isnt it?! well this is wat my mom said to do....

*put Tabasco on your fingers, so everytime u try to bite'em ur mouth burns real bad. It worked for me!
soak your fingers in lemon juice or something spicy and every time you try to bite them they'll taste gross :)
I have that problem too and my mom always got mad at me. But I found a way that works for me. Get your nails done and everytime you put it in your mouth, you don't want to ruin your pretty nails.
Wear gloves all the time.

Seriously. It worked for me.
I used to have that problem too. If you dip you fingers in nail polish remover they will taste really bad, and you wont want to bite them.

Also paint your nails or get a manicure, then you wont want to bite them.

i did it for years then i had acrylics and now even wen i don't have them on i don't bite them
Some info here:
stop putting them in your mouth.


... think of all the micro dirt under there that you are eating? eeeewwwwww.
Try buying yourself some nice false nails and keep them on as long as possible. The glue usually lasts about ten days to two weeks and if one pops off stick it back on again. it's surprising how quick your nails grow, so by the time you take the falsies off you should have a decent nail underneath and just take it from there. Once they start growing you can see how good they look and get a manicure as a treat. You won't want to waste good money getting them done only to bite them to the quick again! If you feel tempted to chomp then put another set of falsies on. They're too hard to bite and the glue is really bad for you!!
ummm i use chemical stuff on my finger nails it taste like **** but its no toxic. yup yup
nailpolish fast and easy or get ur nails done
I too bite my nails, its pure will power that is needed. As your reading this, think about all the things that your hands touch through the course of the day and would you really like that in your mouth. Make a consious decision to not want to bite and think about it everytime you put your fingers in your mouth.

Just, everytime you put your fingers in your mouth try and think do i really want to do this? and remove them!!!! lol, occupy your hands, twidle your thumbs or sumthin. go on the computer even! type! just keep those fingers busy and your mind, as I too bite my nails out of bordom most of the time

Oh - P.S. Tried the nail varnish stuff, just worked my away around it (just biting with teeth not putting in mouth! lol)

What is the best movie currently in theaters?

Resident Evil Extinction

Good Luck Chuck

The Brave One

3:10 to Yuma

Eastern Promises

Sydney White

Mr. Woodcock


The Bourne Ultimatum


....those are the top ten

Here are the openings this week

Feast of Love

The Game plan

The Kingdom

Lust, Caution


The Darjeeling Limited

What is the best movie currently in theaters?performing arts

definately see the bourne ultimatum

great movie, you wont be dissapointed

although youd have to see the other ones first but thats only a good thing!

if your a girl tho it might be considered a 'guy movie', i loved it but if your not into 'guy movies' , then its possible you wont like it

What is the best movie currently in theaters?binoculars opera theater

3:10 to Yuma

I really didn't think I would enjoy a Western that much but it had great actors and an even better story!

Go see it! :)
Bourne Ultimatum, Superbad, 3:10 to Yuma

the movie is a classic.
I'd say

Superbad if you liked the american pie type of movie- it was hilarious

Resident Evil: Extinction if you like the first two. and if your a Mila Fan.

Bourne Ultimatum if you liked the first two- this one was very good and the ending was good too

Smoking question?

ok... So let me try to explain this..... I started smoking in 7th grade, but then my parents caught me and then I stopped. but ever since then, I sometimes I just want a cigarette.And lately I have been smoking. It takes me a whole week to finish a pack (I'm 19, so I buy my own pack). Well my question is.... Am I smoker? Cause I can quit anytime. I'm stressing out right now. and I only smoke by my self. None of my friends know.

Serious answers please!!

Thank you.

Smoking question?symphony

a 25 pack use to last me 2weeks ,when i first started. once you start hanging around other smokers and you will,because we all group together, it will increase and increase and increase,now im a pack a day.......if you can stop now,then do it. its the worst habit ever, it has a failure rate higher than heroin, its costs heaps of money and its bad for you.......

Smoking question?performing arts center opera theater

If you smoke and want to have a smoke then yes you are a smoker. If you can quit any time then why are you smoking? I smoked for over 20 years and I once believed I could stop at any time. It took a long time to finally quit. If you don't want to be a smoker then STOP NOW.
Can you quit anytime? Try it and see, I suggest you do the longer you do it the more difficult it becomes to quit.
If you are smoking at all, you are a smoker even though you could be considered a light smoker. If you can, quit completely before you end up smoking more and more. Believe me, it only gets worse. Good luck to you.
Yes you are a smoker. The fact that you smoke makes you a smoker. If you can quit, then quit. If you don't need it, don't do it. If you do need it, you're addicted. The amount you smoke dosn't make you a smoker or not, the habitualness of it does.

You also come off as a little ashamed of smoking, the fact that you're friends don't know and you only do it by yourself. (not sure just how it sounds)
If you smoke, you are a smoker. Most likely you are addicted, as you smoke by yourself and not doing it to be social. One pack a week might not be as dangerous as a two pack a day smoker, but you are still harming yourself and risking your health and life. You should try to quit now before things get worse and you start smoking more.
I am pretty much the same way....I smoked my first cig in middle school and thought I was real cool. I smoked a few here and there up until I graduated college. I am a few years out of school and I will light up once in a while. I am not addicted to the cigarette, I just enjoy a puff now and then. Maybe 1 cigarette every few weeks. I dont even buy them anymore.

Dont get out of hand.....Smoking is pretty silly if you think about it.
can you guit anytime somked four every 20 years
You smoke therefore you are a smoker. I smoked for a long time, but quit. I STILL want to smoke from time to time. Regardless of what people say, I personally believe that the craving NEVER goes away entirely. Quitting is a good thing. Only you can say NO to yourself when you're tempted. Forget the patches, the gum, the pills and everything. The only way to stop is to stop. That's what I did.

OK, preaching is over. Let's talk money. Five bucks a pack, higher doctor bills, higher cost for life insurance and, probably the worst, being an outcast. How often do you see people stepping out of a really nice social gathering to 'grab a smoke'?
What?I wish I was like you!...quit it!
3 a day is not much but if you are smoking daily - you're a smoker. If you skip a day or two between cigs, then you're a social smoker.

Expecting baby #2, how do I deal with jealousy?

I have a 2 year old and expecting #2 in a month. I don't know how I'm gonna deal with the jealousy factor, especially since it's already present with her dad. She is very protective of her time with me and sometimes doesn't like it when he and I are talking or he has something she thinks is mine. We've done everything we can think of to help with how clingy she is, but nothing has worked and with the new baby coming, that is the only thing I'm stressed and worried about. Any ideas?

Expecting baby #2, how do I deal with jealousy?performing show

I just dealth with the same thing, brought my son home from the hospital 3 weeks ago and my 2yr old slapped me and went into the babys room and pulled everything off the shelves and started crying whenever he looked at his brother.

He got over it after a few days, but I found that making them feel usefull really helps, letting them help with the baby etc.

I try to spend as much time with my 2yr old as possible while the baby is asleep, playdoh, cooking etc, and he seems settled and fine.

Dont change the routine of the 2yr old if possible, my days are pretty all over the place but everynight we still make time for him to have a long play in the bath and a story before bed.

Expecting baby #2, how do I deal with jealousy?opera score opera theater

Make the older child your little helper. Send her on errands like bringing you a diaper. And remember to praise her for being such a Big Girl. If you keep her involved she will not feel "neglected" and end up jealous.
Everyone deals with this for at least a little while when they have more than one child. Let her be clingy right now. She knows something big is happening, but she really doesn't understand it. And she won't for a while. My oldest turned 2 a week after I had #2....been there done that.

Let Dad carry the new baby into your house the day you come home from the hospital. Greet your girl and plan on spending some time alone with her. Maybe even purchase a small gift from "baby" to big sister to give her after you get home and get settled.

Each of you should try to spend some alone time with her every day for a while. Even if it is only to take a walk around the block or taking her grocery shopping.

Make sure everything isn't "about the baby" and that guests that come to "see the baby" do not ignore or brush her off. Keep things low key and as stress free as possible for the first few weeks. Expect some "acting out" or "regression" but don't let her "get away" with it. Keep your household rules firm the more things stay the same the more comfortable she will feel. Don't worry, it will all work out! Good luck, best wishes and congrats!!
i was worried about the same thing with my son. He was two also when I had my second. He was very clingy and jealous of me, but when my second son came he was never jealous with the time I had to spend with his brother. He loved being a brother and he would help me when I changed his brothers diapers and clothes and I let him hold his brother, of course I was right there helping him. He really surprised me at how wonderful he was with his little brother. You might not need to worry about it, maybe your daughter will enjoy having another child around. I would just suggest letting her help you out.
i am in the same boat as you are :-). I am 5 months pregnant and have a 3 yr old boy. He is very protective of me and sometimes doesn't even want his dad hugging me. From the time i found out i was pregnant i have been including him in my pregnancy. Everytime i go to the doctor and have gotten my ultrasound he has been in the room and i tell him he is going to be a big brother and that when his little brother gets here they will be able to play cars together. I let him see my stomach so that he can see its growing. He'll sit there and lift my shirt up and talk to the baby. Try to include her is as much as you can so that she doesn't feel left out. I even have him help me out pick out clothes and or just baby stuff i am starting to buy. Be extra attentive, loving, and patient. Just tell her she is going to be a big sister eventually she'll get attached to the little one!
My daughter just turned two when I had my second and this was my major fear! However, when I was pregnant she really liked my belly, she always pointed to her own and said she had a baby too. She'd kiss my belly good night and good morning. When the baby came believe it or not she wasn't jealous! She was thrilled with having a baby sister to kiss and love.

The only time that was truly hard was when I was nursing and she'd be jumping around all over the place. I just had a special video that she loved and turn that on whenever I needed her to settle down and leave me alone. It worked with special toys I only pulled out when nursing.

If you have her involved in your pregnancy and explain to her she's going to have a baby you're half way there to beating the jealousy.

However, any toys that were once my daughters that I put away for the baby ... I could never tell my daughter this used to be yours because she'd snatch whatever it was away and want to play with it. So be very specific as to what's theirs and what's the baby's. Good luck and enjoy!
My kids are almost exactly 24 mo apart and I though my son would have a problem with the new baby but he didn't at all. He adored her and loved her, the jealousy came once she started walking and playing with his toys........she started walking at 9.5 months. Good Luck!
First, congratulations! Second, start now while you are still pregnant. Do things that make the 2 yo feel like she is making the decisions and helping be a big girl. For example, if someone gives you a gift and it is clothes, let her put it in the baby's dresser -- let her pick which drawer it will go in. Or maybe at bedtime (or anytime during the day) say, "how about you help me read to the baby. The baby likes when you and I read to her/him." The more involved you have her feel, the better it will be. I am guessing she is clingy b/c she knows something is going on and that her time with mommy is changing. Kids sense those things. Try not to make too many big changes in her world, she will have enough changes coming..... Hang in there!
It'll be hard at first, but just make sure you make time for your daughter. When you're breastfeeding read your daughter a book or pump some milk so that way you can give your daughter a bath or put her to bed while your partner feeds the baby. When I had my son I gave my daughter a gift "from the baby". She thought that was pretty cool and eventually came around to liking him after a few days. Good luck!
Teach the older sibling how to give the baby a back rub. Tell how this kind of touching calms the baby, and praise the older child for a job well done. This lesson teaches the child how to be physical with the baby in a positive way. Every time you see your child hit, or act roughly with the baby, act quickly. You might firmly announce, “No hitting, time out.” Place the child in a time-out chair with the statement, “You can get up when you can use your hands in the right way.” Allow him to get right up if he wants – as long as he is careful and gentle with the baby. This isn’t punishment, after all. It’s just helping him learn that rough actions aren’t going to be permitted. Whenever you see the older child touching the baby gently, make a positive comment. Make a big fuss about the important “older brother.” Hug and kiss your older child and tell him how proud you are. Don’t blame everything on the baby. “We can’t go to the park; the baby’s sleeping.” “Be quiet, you’ll wake the baby.” “After I change the baby I’ll help you.” At this point, your child would just as soon sell the baby! Instead, use alternate reasons. “My hands are busy now.” “We’ll go after lunch.” “I’ll help you in three minutes.” Increase your little demonstrations of love for your child. Say extra I love yous, increase your daily dose of hugs, and find time to read a book or play a game. Temporary regressions or behavior problems are normal, and can be eased with an extra dose of time and attention.
With the clinginess... I think it's her age. I have a 2 year old and am expecting in early March. It's going to be rough I think... no way around that! :)

It's one of those things that no one can really prepare you (or her) for. Once the baby is here you'll all just have to work out a new schedule and a new routine. Just love the heck out of her and it will all work out.

My son is totally a momma's boy and it's going to be rough sharing I know. But in the long run, I know this new brother or sister will be a real gift for him too.

Good luck to you all!
We had the same worries. Our toddler was 21mo when our newest addition arrived. He did have a bit of jealously but it soon passed. He would cry when I held the baby for feedings and sometimes wouldnt sit next to me if I held the baby. He wouldnt even take pictures with the baby because he didnt want to be next to him. I have heard where some parents will let the toddlers basically be a little helper. Help bathe the baby, getting diapers, help fix a bottle, or pick out clothes for the baby at the store. Get the toddler more into a role as the bigger sibling. A "big helper" as I call my toddler now.
Make your 2 year old a part of whats going on ... have you taken her to the doctor with you when you had a scan? Then they see there's a little human in your tummy. Also, involve them in choosing clothes for the baby. Get one of those baby monitors that you can listen to the noises the baby makes through the headphones and let her listen. Reassure her that nothing is going to change and its going to get more fun around the house. Let her know because she was the first baby she will always be special but you know there are going to be times of jealousy but it is important to spend time with both. But you know it will work out .. as the book says don't sweat the small stuff. Siblings will fight with each other .. I did with my sister like crazy but we are tighter than can be (and I am 39 now!) Good Luck!
Give her an hour every day when the baby is napping, go outside and play with her just give her all your attention for that one hour, and then do saturdays with her, and sundays you can rest wile the dad takes the kids to the park or whatever
Make her feel included. She may not understand it all. Let her go to the Doctors for a heartbeat check up or Ultra Sound. Tell her she can help with getting diapers and picking out baby clothes etc. Even get her a t-shirt that says "I'm the big sister". Just make her feel like you NEED her and her help with the baby. There will be some jealousy issues, but you can help prevent some. Good Luck

How can I lose those last 15 pounds?

I have 15 pounds to lose. I had a baby a month ago and I'm breastfeeding. I also have a 20 month old. I go back to work full-time next week. I'm stressed because of lack of sleep and caring for 2 babies. I seem to relax with food. How can I stay motivated? Is there a way I can surpress my appetite?

How can I lose those last 15 pounds?comedy show

God, you're living my life....I have a 2 year old a three year old and a 9 month old. I'm also still breastfeeding. A few pointers:

1. Breastfeeding is the best!! However, that being said, it makes you hold on to a few extra pounds so that your body can make the milk. When you're done nursing, it will come off.

2. You're being unrealistic about your weight loss.....It took 9 mos to put it on and it will take a while to get it off. Be patient.

3. I have heard that 90% of losing weight is diet and only 10% in exersize. Watch what you put in your mouth. Nursing isn't a free pass to eat like crap. Also, the additional calories you need can be attained in a half a sandwich and a glass of milk, so really it's not a lot.

4. Good luck to you. Having a positive attitude about your body will make a difference. You did a great job bring those babies into the world. Take care of yourself just like you take care of them. You deserve it, and they will gain from it. It's hereditary!! :)

How can I lose those last 15 pounds?greek theater opera theater

You can draw to stay away from food. Or do something with your hands or mouth. Listen to music while yu sit there and lift your legs up and down. YOU CAN DO IT

also when you breast feed it helps you lose weight faster then someone who doesnt so dont be too stressed.
If you're breastfeeding, you really need to consult a doctor. You don't want to have your baby malnourished.
Don't eat until you are extremely full. When you eat and start to feel full, STOP. Make sure that everytime you eat, you still have food on your plate when you are done. This is how I lost poundage and have kept it off for years.. I dont even exercise.
You should take your full maternity leave if possible. In Canada, we are guaranteed a year off when we have babies. Otherwise, get the dad or someone to watch your cuties for a while - you can go out, recharge %26amp; remember the real, pre-baby you.
A high protein diet (fish, breas (chick/turkey), until you achieve your goal. A week of Salmon has been great when I've gotten stuck. According to Healthy Woman magazine, a tablespoon of peanut butter or peanuts will decrease your cravings. Drink a lot of water (8 to 10 glasses a day). Try 30 minutes walks, take the babies, pushing a stroller is great exercise.
Suppressing your appetite is the wrong angle. You must swim laps. This also alleviates the stress. It doesn't matter how fast you go or which stroke you use just keep moving and don't touch the bottom for one mile. You can touch the side for no more than 3 seconds still not touching bottom. Sometimes, half way through I put on flippers and get a paddle board and stretch out front, back, side. This is great! You don't have to look like an athlete or competitive swimmer. Just enjoy it. The pounds and inches (talk about great legs%26amp; butt) just drop off. It's wonderful. Please look for a pool near you that offers lap swimming.

P.S. Did you know that you burn a thousand calories a day by breast feeding? I fed 3 babies for 6 months. I figured that when they started getting teeth, it was nature's way of saying, "That's enough. Good job.", ha.
I have a few pointers that I have used and thus far I have lost 10 - 12 pounds in just a month and a half.

1. Eat breakfast (i.e. eggs, oatmeal, special K cereal with low-fat / skim milk.)

2. Eat a good lunch that is usually your dinner that you would eat. Make sure you have vegetables wth every meal and eat small portions.

3. Have a snack 2 times a day (i.e. fruit, cheese, protein bars, wheat thins, veggies etc)

4. For dinner I usually eat a salad or a smoothie (a berry smoothie is great and has low amounts of calories) with protein powder added.

5. Work out 5-6 days out of the week. Do at least 30 minutes of cardio. Don't forget to stretch first. Utilize ab machines. ** When doing ab exercises don't lower your body all the way back down..keep your body crunched at all times and then do your ab exercises (this will really get those abs working). Do at least 100 abs and rotate the types you are doing. Try to invest in a balance ball.
Homeopathic Treatment for Excessive Fat and Weight :-

PHYTOLACCA BERRY's Mother Tincture is perhaps the safest and sure fire way of loosing excessive fat around abdomen. With Phytolacca Berry once you loose the excessive fat and weight you don't get it back because you body takes care of itself after that and keeps you from gathering up excessive fat. It is prescribed after having a baby too, to get the tummy to loose its flab and to make it flatter and tighter. And after loosing weight with this you don't get flabby it tightens up the flab and skin along with helping your body to shed the excessive accumulation of fat around the girth

The dosage is 15 to 20 drops of the tincture in half a cup of hot water thrice a day half hour before or after meals.

Avoid Chocolates, Coffee, Mints, Red Meat and Carbonated and Alcoholic drinks while taking Homeopathic Medicines. You have to take it for at least 30 to 45 days after that you start to feel the results.

To the best of my knowledge its the safest and the most sure fire way of loosing fat and weight and keeping it of for keeps. Excellent remedy for Obese people who cant seem to shed weight despite trying.

Homeopathic Remedies can be found at all Major Herbal Stores or could be bought on line, In most of the world Homeopathic remedies are quite cheap and easy to find and they do not need a prescription.

Take care and God Bless !
The following healthy living recommendations will help you if you’re trying to lose weight, tone up your muscles, have aspirations of building lean muscle mass, are attempting to get a wash board stomach, or just want to feel better:

*1) Burn more calories then you're consuming everyday and measure your results using the following formula: Calories Consumed minus Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) minus Physical Activity. Get a fitness calculator that you can put on your cell phone and computer. This will allow you to easily calculate this formula, log your daily calorie consumption, and register your physical activities.

*2) Eat natural and organic foods found on earth versus something created by a corporation to make money. Eat meals in small portions throughout the day and take a good multi-vitamin supplement.

Avoid “High Glycemic Load Carbs” (sugar, pastries, desserts, refined starches such as breads, pasta, refined grains like white rice; high starch vegetables such as white potatoes) and drink lots of water.

Do not try fad diets or diet pills. Here is an excellent food pyramid that anyone can follow:

*3) Exercise on most days by doing cardiovascular training and/or resistance training activities.

Read a book or find a certified trainer to make sure your doing all resistance training exercises correctly. A great book to buy that teaches you the resistance training basics is “Weight Training for Dummies”. A superb magazine to buy with excellent resistance training routines that will not get you bored is "Muscle and Fitness". Signup for the free newsletter.

A good book to buy that teaches you the cardiovascular training basics is “Fitness for Dummies”.

*4) Get plenty of sleep. Sleep experts say most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance, health, and safety.

*5) Educate yourself continually on health issues and make a life long commitment to good health. A great free publication is “Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005”. A superb book to read is “You The Owner’s Manual”. An excellent periodic publication is the “Nutrition Action Health Letter”. A reputable test you can take to measure your biological age is at

Look at all areas where you can enhance your health. For example, make improvements in the quality of the air you breathe. Review outdoor air quality forecasts where you live and get an indoor air purifier. Email me if you want a good indoor air purifier recommendation and if you have other questions.

*Click on all the source links below to get the full benefit of the recommendations. The answers presented to your health questions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Tampon question..?

i'm 13 years old and i started my period a couple of months ago. i still havent learned how to use a tampon yet. and its summer! i have to go to a summer camp june 24 and that's around the time i start. and at the camp we swim. what do i do?! i cant wear a pad to swim! i'm stressing out over this. i tried using a tampon but i just couldnt get it in me.... i guess im nervous? please women help me. im scared.=[

Tampon question..?events

You need get over your fear or you are going to have a miserable time at camp!

Don't be scared. It just takes some practice. If you are having a difficult time pushing the tampon into your vagina, you may need to get some vaseline and rub it on the tampon. This will allow the tampon to slide in easier. You also need to get over your embarrassment of sticking your finger inside your vagina. You are not doing anything gross, so push it in with confidence. It will not get lost, it will not break.

Good luck and have fun this summer!

Tampon question..?home theatre opera theater

normal instructions come in the box of tampons you just have to relax when they are in you are not supposed to hurt or really feel them you know they are their but you shouldn't feel anything and take them out every 4 hrs or you'll risk tss toxic shock syndrome and that is really bad just read the lil instructions that come in the box every box has them
There are some really good how to's on these sites....

but the main thing is to relax, breathe, %26amp; if it does not work the first time, you can get a new one %26amp; try again.
My mom taught me that some women sometimes have to have one leg up and resting on the toilet seat with the other on the floor to open up the canal in order to let it pass easily, but if you relax, and push gently, and don't stress then it should be easy. But practice if you're afraid.
You should have your mom or your aunt speak to them about this. You should make sure you have the correct and smallest size also. We all go through it you will be fine.

I listed a website that my daughter likes to use to look up information. I hope this helps

Good Luck
Put one leg up on the toilet seat and push it back at an angle. You can see the directions inside the tampax box
have your mother or another women go to a store with you and get the playtex gentle glide, in regular, its perfect for a girl your age. read the instruction packet inside, it will help alot, getting the right kind always does, i really recomend those kind.
get the 'slim fit' tampons...those are great for a girl as young as yourself and for virgins...they are thinner than a 'regular' absorbency tampon and easier for a first timer to use
do you have an older sister or a mother that can show you how to use one? also make sure you get the ones with the ridged edges to help with insertion and pulling it out. good luck
Try to get a slender one. Put one leg up, and painfully insert. I tried it.

Obsessive hair pulling.?

so i obsessively pull out my hair when i'm stressed @ college and @ home..ive seen it on the internet as a disease...trichtillomania....for some reason it makes me calmer...but i need to stop it cause i'm loosing way too much hair. what should i do?

Obsessive hair pulling.?say yes

You should definately go to a doctor. It's serious!

Obsessive hair pulling.?palace theatre opera theater

Get medical help before it gets any worse.See your doctor and get referred to a counsellor or psychologist.You can be helped to stop this, but you can't do it alone.
I saw this on a show one time. I forget the term for it (maybe the one you mention, but it is serious.

Biology Project. *Anybody creative?!*?

Okay so here it is.

In Biology, we have this project we have to do to stay in honors. Basicly we get a type of organelle assigned to us (in my case I got the Nucleus, Nucleolus, and Nuclear membrane) and we have to some how present that organelle to the class using a "left brained" idea. That's where I need my help.

I've been trying to figure out what to do for three weeks now. NOTHING is coming to my mind. I can't think of anything to do.

So I guess what I'm saying is can any of you give me some inspriation or tips to help me think of something to do, or good places to look for some ideas? ( I dont' need to know what the organelles themselves are, I've done my research. I just don't know how to present the information I have. Best answer 10 points?)

Please I'm stressing here, it's due at the end of the month!

Biology Project. *Anybody creative?!*?getting late

Go to a craft store and buy a rather large styrofoam ball. Cut away 1/4 of it and paint on all the things you need to label, following the diagram on this site:


Biology Project. *Anybody creative?!*?regal theater opera theater

Is it left-brained or right-brained, or both?

If it's left-brained, present it as a speech, perhaps with an occasional visual.

If it's right-brained, present it as a slide-show.

If it's both, perhaps you could do both...?

By the way, Tony S., your left side of brain controls your right side of body.
Here is some info concerning those cellular organelles:

The Nucleus: contains the genes of the cell. Its size is about 5um. in diameter. It is surrounded by a lipid bilayer perforated with pores. There is a 20-40 nm. space between the layers of the membrane. Chromosomes are rod shaped structures containing DNA and protein. Chromosomes are usually broken down into chromatin. The Nucleolus is also found in the nucleus. It produces ribosomes at a rate of 10,000 / min. The nucleus controls the cell's functioning through the production of m-RNA.

Here are some left brain activities:

Left-brain students feel engaged during your lesson:

Write an outline of the lesson on the board. Students with left-brain strengths appreciate sequence.

Go ahead and lecture! These students love to listen to an expert and take notes.

Discuss vocabulary words. Make a crossword puzzle on the Nucleus and its parts.

Discuss the big concepts involved in the function of the nucleus, how each part is formed and used, and so on.
I would write my paper with my left hand.

Ladies have you ever had this craving?

When I'm getting ready to start my period I crave cigarettes. I have never ever smoked in my life but I find myself thinking "I really need a cigarette" especially when I'm stressed. Have any of you ever experienced this? It goes away after I start my period. What could be causing this?

Ladies have you ever had this craving?ballet

Premenstrual syndrome suspected. There is no single cure for PMS.

Many women, however, have found that making changes to their lifestyle can help to control the symptoms.

These include:

* Eating a balanced and nutritious diet

* Eating smaller and more frequent meals

* Reducing the consumption of sugar and salt

* Cutting out alcohol and caffeine

* Taking regular exercise

* Supplementing the diet with vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium and zinc

* Sleeping properly

Ladies have you ever had this craving?globe theater opera theater

No I have not had that craving...Thank God! As to the cause...I am clueless.
well me is chocolate or eat with salt and vinegar or sweet and sour stuff
When your about to start you crave things you've heard about in movies or T.V. Yes its happened to me .I've craved sex an I'm a virgin and I've craved alcohol and I've drank and I've wanted a cig and I've never smoked.Chew nicotene or any kind of gum!
For you it may be cigarettes, but for me it's usually bitter chocolate... and then BAM! I get my chums a day or two after... :-)
I crave chocolate not cigarettes.
I have never heard of the cigarettes thing before..i could see maybe if you have smoked before. but how can you crave something you have never had?? that's a new one. I crave red meat sometimes when i have PMS. I believe that's from the loss of iron..but the you think it could be more like psychological..the stress and wanting something in your mouth??
Whenever I had a period, I crave chocolate and sweets. It normal to my craving when your period comes on.

Check these websites out about montly periods

Can putting on weight affect your cycle??

I've been on the pill for about a year now, and I was getting some bad side effects %26amp; decided 2 months ago that I should stop... I hated being sick all the time... Anyway, since then, my period has been 2-3 weeks late.. I know I'm stressed about it, I took a pregnancy test today though %26amp; it came up negative. I have the signs that I'm supposed to get it (you know, sore boobs etc)... But I also know that being on the pill put on like 15kgs during the first 3 months while being on it :( not good!! help!!! Is this normal after stopping the pill for 2 months? Is it just my body trying to regulate itself?

Can putting on weight affect your cycle??sheet music

Yes, Yes, Yes! Weight gain can %26amp; does affect your cycle. The amount you gain to upset that balance, varies from woman to woman. I know that if I get to a certain weight my period can disappear for months at a time, %26amp; I have to lose weight before it will return. Your cycle is quite delicate, so do your best to maintain your weight within your healthy weight range. Also extreme weight loss(anorexia) %26amp; excessive exercise affect it.

Even though 15kgs is not that much, do your best to lose it,also regular exercise even just walking will help. Good luck!!!

Can putting on weight affect your cycle??state theatre opera theater

I think it is, cuz I am pretty much going thru the same thing, but I am trying to get pregnant. I also recently took a preg. test and it came up negative. I am also waiting on my period to regulate itself, but I also have a few extra pounds here and there.

A William play-write?!?! HELP!!??!!??

Alright, being my stupid self, I forgot the name of the poet that we will be studying in five weeks. His first name is William and his last name starts with M (I believe is is four or five or six letters long, but he was interrupted before he could finish). I'm stressed out as it is and this just adds to it!! HelP!!! I know nothing about poems!!

A William play-write?!?! HELP!!??!!??headache

Could it be:

William M Inge, U.S. playwright, Picnic-Pulitzer 1953, or William M. Hoffman??

Don't stress, ask the teacher next time you see him, do your research and you'll be just fine. Good luck,.

A William play-write?!?! HELP!!??!!??paramount theater opera theater

hard to say:

poet or playwright

what type of poetry

Wow - this is just like the Wheel of Fortune!


Pax - C.

Does stress and anger stun my growth??

-i'm 15

Does stress and anger stun my growth??plays


Does stress and anger stun my growth??opera ticket opera theater

It could actually despite the person answering no. Stress and anger can both interact with yoru biological processes, mainly the excretion of Growth Hormone.... so in the long run ;yes, but they probably won't effect your growth that much. If you are worreid about it I woudl take up Tai Chi or another type of mediation based activity and that should help. Ciao
It sure can do more damage than stunt your growth. You probably will not do this, but if you want to save yourself pain, embarrassment, and an unhappy life, get yourself to the doctor. Ask the doctor to refer you to a psychologist who can get you on the right meds to meet the needs of your chemical imbalance. If you are normal, you will not seek help and live in missery most of your life. You may need to search and search for the right professionals to get your imbalance under control. Please, get help now.
I don't think so....
I've no doubt that I developed autoimmune disease.....due largely to living many years in a high stress situation.
yes, its known as SMS aka Short Man Syndrome!! My boss has this due to his being a very stressful, angry person.

When will The Hobbit movie be in theaters?

As of now it is rumors it will be made at all.There is an old animated version of the Hobbit available on vhs and dvd

When will The Hobbit movie be in theaters?ms stress


When will The Hobbit movie be in theaters?home theater system opera theater

The way things currently stand,New Line Cinema,wants to be the studio to produce this film,and when they do, they want Peter Jackson to direct it. Jackson is expected to be busy with King Kong until early 2006.(presuming he's not able to jump straight into another project until after it's release)This suggests that the earliest this movie can reach theaters,given it's massive scope,and the likely interest in securing a December release, is December 2007...and thats only if all of the myriad parts (especially the rights and script)can come together in 2006.The year 2007 is the earliest likely date,but it could just as likely not be released until 2008,2009,2010, or never."The Hobbit" will celebrate the 70th anniversary of it's first publication in 2008. Hope that helps!
They announced on Yahoo! Movies that it would come out in 2007 or 2008.

What is the best movie out in theaters right now?

Definitely Spiderman 3 and Pirates 3

What is the best movie out in theaters right now?binoculars

PIRATES 3!!!!!!!!!

What is the best movie out in theaters right now?violin opera theater

Pirates, for sure
Yep, Yep. Pirates 3 is definitely the best!!
Pirates 3

What is the best movie out in theaters?

Cloverfield is better than all

What is the best movie out in theaters?performing arts center


What is the best movie out in theaters?sunshine opera theater

27 Dresses is a really good movie.
The one with Will Smith.
so far i've only seen "Juno" and it's officially on my list of favorites! but i'm dying to see "PS I love You".
im not sure how old you are so i dont know what you would be interested in but if you like a cute movie alvin and the chipmunks is pretty cute.

and 27 dresses is good too
I would go with either Juno or 27 Dresses ; They are both awesome!
Juno is really good, very simple but definitely worth watching. 27 dresses is good if you like a chick flick too
Sweeney Todd all the way!! Also There Will Be Blood, Juno, and Atonement were all really good.
I Am Legend, Juno, Cloverfield, Alvin %26amp; the Chipmunks and Sweeney Todd
I Am Legend with Will Smith, if anybody says other wise your are F-ing retarded, thank you...
Enchanted and Awake

Has anyone seen the movie out in theaters.. Rocky Balboa?

If so, did you like it?

Has anyone seen the movie out in theaters.. Rocky Balboa?opera score

Haven't seen it yet.

Has anyone seen the movie out in theaters.. Rocky Balboa?musicals opera theater

I didn't like it.......I loved it.
I along with a lot of people thought it would be stupid...but I saw it and was pleasantly surprised. It's worth seeing in my opinion.
i didn't see it
i didnt c it but i'going i know i'll like i t i love rocky
It isn't as best as the other Rocky movies
I loved that movie, I'm going to buy it on dvd.
yes i saw it, i think it is really good!!!

Question about ovulation after miscarriage?

I had a miscarriage on 9/28/07 (no D%26amp;C). I had a normal period in October and was charting so I know I ovulated normally that month. This month I've been charting and have had lower than normal temps (in the high 96s) and have not had a temp rise yet. Today is day 20. Usually I ovulate around day 17 or 18. Is it possible to just ovulate late (especially if I'm completely over analyzing the situation), or will I most likely have a cycle without ovulating? Will I get a period without ovulating or will it not come until I eventually ovulate? Should we keep trying this month until I either ovulate or get a period? I'm stressed because I want to get pregnant again so bad. And don't tell me to relax because I know I have to but it's so hard to do!!!

Question about ovulation after miscarriage?greek theater

I understand hun, having a miscarriage myself, but be patient. You caa have a peiod without ovulation. Since you didn't have a d%26amp;c your cycles can be a little off. Be patient. Maybe get an ovulation kit to see if you are in fact ovulating. Good Luck and lots of baby dust to ya!!

I have a pg ?

if you do it doggy style will that increse the chance of you become pg i'm just wondering i've been married for 4 years and we just now started trying to have a baby and it been 8 months and no such luck i guess you can say i'm stressing out about it because i see baby ever where for 2 week i think there something in the water here in mississippi .

I have a pg ?home theatre

I was trying for 8 months before i fell pregnant. I think the more stressed you get the less likely it will happen. Did you know that stress can play a part in the delay of ovulation. I found that the month i forgot i was trying i got pregnant!

Good luck with getting pregnant.

I have a pg ?ballet theater opera theater

doing it doggy style might help you, because it allows for deeper penetration by you're partner but timing is more import and than any sexual position try to have sex every second to third day to allow Ur hubby to gather enough troops especially around the time you ovulate.good luck and happy baby making.
missionary position is best, the sperm will stay in you better. After sex prop your hips up on some pillows and rest like that 20 minutes or so. It can take up to 12 months. I know how you feel though, it took my husband and me almost 3 years to conceive, that is with a low sperm count though. Good luck!


9weeks3days pg!
No, doggy style is not a good position for conception, despite the deeper penetration. The best position for conception attempts is missionary. After ejaculation and withdrawal, you will want to roll back onto your upper back and shoulders, and hug your knees to your chest to help the sperm fight the gravity of their "swim." Another position is to be on your back but with your legs propped up on your husband's shoulders. Then, after ejaculation, you are already in resting position and you can cuddle without being too clinical following sex. This is what my husband and I did when trying to conceive. Good luck!

Ok what do i do? i am going to my dad's this weekend and i know ima get a lot of insults from h

his side of the family because i got my lip pierced. i guess what i'm asking for is some positive encouragement, because i'm stressed about dealing with it.

Ok what do i do? i am going to my dad's this weekend and i know ima get a lot of insults from him, and?palace theatre

I'd tell my dad to quit being a baby and get over it, your body, your decision. If you're under age and he doesn't have full custody of you then it's not really his decision.

Ok what do i do? i am going to my dad's this weekend and i know ima get a lot of insults from him, and?concert tickets opera theater

When I got my lip pierced the same thing happend to me. I told my dad that its not going to be in forever and I can just take it out. He told me never to get a tatto.

The insults do die down after they are used to it.

But if you don't want to deal with it you can 1* don't go or

2* tell you'r dad how the insults make you feel.

Hope that helps you. Good luck!!
if you already know what is going to happen they why bother going at all? don't give them the satisfaction. stay away. you really don't have to go if you dont want to go
why dont you just take it for the weekend out to avoid the fuss?


Thanks for the extra detail. Dont go this weekend. Wait till you are able to take it out. If you cant avoid it just go and take the flack and then in future visits take it out.
Don't go.
well there is probably a good reason he is gonna grill you for it... they look retarded... but tell him its your body.... not his. the only reason he would say stuff is because he loves you.
So you knew your dad was a **** and you got your lip pierced. In reality, you set yourself up for the criticism. Why would you want to do that when you have enough to deal with? That is something only you can look into . You had options:

You could have got the piercing later, when you could deal with his criticism.

You could have made him a part of the piercing decision, having him look into reputable places. Maybe he would have chosen to get a tattoo??

So you inflict pain upon yourself, first getting the piercing, and then having to deal with a family that will not let up on you this weekend, and probably even more to come.

If it is so bad, you are old enough to choose to not go see him. You can also request family counseling to help you deal with his negativity.

You probably see this as a negative answer, but I am hoping to help you to make more positive decisions in the future.

Tests?how accuarte are they???

my last period was from 5 to 10th of april and i had unprotected sex 18th my bf prom.i had red spotting for half hour and then brown spotting on and of till the 6th of may. i still feel bloated and constapated even though i drinking a lot of water and crampie. plus my boobs are not bigger but hurt a little like a pitching sensation sometimes and seem more sensative to any temperature changes than normal.i also feeling dizzy sometimes this started this monday. these are sometimes my period symptoms but i still have not gotten it like i should. my periods are normally pretty regular give or take 3or 4 days early or late only a week of if i'm stressed usually pretty close to 28 day cycle though if not exact sometimes. i took to pregnancy tests both came back negative. what should i do? i'm only highschool senior!!!

Tests?how accuarte are they???globe theater

you might want to go and get a blood test done. Blood tests are more accurate and you can get the results sooner

Tests?how accuarte are they???oper opera theater

you probably arent pregnant. wait another week and then take the test again. good luck hon.
Wait and test again in a week. then go to the obgyn to have results confirmed. If you are you have a new set problems to deal with. Like how to tell your parents and what you are going to do. I recomend that if you can't keep it you put it up for adoption. Also stop having unprotected sex. If you are not pg go on the pill asap!!! you dont want to get pregnant before you are ready.
For one STOP HAVING SEX TIL YOU'RE MARRIED! Second, my niece took a test, that said negative when in fact she WAS pregnant. Third, tell your mom to take you to the Dr. to get a real test! No, don't tell the BF until you're sure!
you want to go get an std test then a pregnancy test
Blood tests are the more accurate but it sounds to me like you could be. If you are, ask your bf this question, what would be do if you were pregnant, seriously. But if you are, youre a senior, don't get all bent out of shape and start worrying. Just sit down and get things into perspective.
My ob/gyn told me any test you buy in the store is accurate.
Girl im in the same situation, im going to the daoctors this sat. to take a blood test! you should do the same!!!
O.K. Girl listen...i took the store bought pregnancy test and it came up negative...i then went to the doctor and had the blood test...this came up positive. It is the most accurate if you have not taken the blood test you will not know for certain. Take my advice.

Can I have a hug?

I've had a really bad day, I'm exhausted, my friends have stopped talking to me for no reason that has anything to do with me, and I'm stressed out about school. And my family's no help about any of it. Can I please have a hug, since no one I know will give me any?

Can I have a hug?state theatre


Here you go, sweetie...

[throw my arms around you, squeeeeeeze, and pat-pat-pat, kiss on the cheek]

Everything will look better in the always does.

Your friends are stressed about school too, and no one has any extra love to give out right now...

But you just wait...summer's coming, classes will be over, there's the pool and the beach, and sleeping in, and watermelon, and home-grown tomato sandwiches and ice cream that melts before you get to the end of the cone...

You'll see. it will be more than fine.....

Can I have a hug?theater opera theaterThanks for the 10 points! {bonus hug!} Report It

I need one, too. I've been really sad tonight. I'm crying and feeling bad for myself. Let's go hide somewhere and cry together.
**Hugz** xxx

Trust me, yesterday was horrible and today wasnt any better, i feel your pain...
Sure!! Where can I mail it to ya?
here ((( hugs! ))) I think that how you do it in cyber space
Huge virtual hug on its way to you.
((((((((((((((((((Giant HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Yes, you can have a hug. Sorry to hear you had a bad day.
Aaawww wanna kiss too? Pucker up doll face.....
Ok. You can have a hug from my puppy too... xoxoxoxox
big hugs from kentucky
Sure you can have a hug. Hugs to you!
I think Wal-mart sells hugs; they come in 40 hug packs.
i give you one sounds like you are having one of those days that every thing is turned up side down..........xoxox
C'mere,,Ill give ya a nice warm hug...!

I need one myself !

Go watch a kids movie that wil make you laugh. I do that and you just can not stay sad watching one. I watch The Lion King to The Wild or old ones like Ants.
Sorry your day was bad. When you wake up tomorrow, tell yourself that its a brand new day, and try to make it a good one. Hugs!
Yep. Big Hug. Just know you are not alone.

Things will get better...hope the hug helped! hug as well? my friend's think i'm crazy when i ask for hugs, i dont have a boyfriend, and its not like my crush is any help - he likes me as a friend... my mom gives hugs but then she'll sense something's wrong and i don't wanna tell her sometimes, so i guess we're all in this together. i had a crappy detention today that, thank god, lasted for 5 minutes, so that was lucky...

lol...i forgot what i was here for...ah well, you can have a cyber hug...**wrapping arms around you, or at least trying to**

share your troubles with us, we're a big internet family around here =]
I just gave ya' 3 all the way from california with luv to ya' always dear~
Sure, here is a big bear ~hug~. Hope your day is better tomorrow.
Here you go sweetie! HHHHHUUUUGGGG! and some kisses 2! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxxoxoxoxox...

Can stress really do this to your body?

I'm a 20 year old female, in pretty healthy condition. in November, i started having weird symptoms including racing heartbeat; pain in chest; a dry mouth/choking feeling; trouble breathing; numbness in my forehead, hands, and feet; dizziness/lightheaded feeling; trembling and muscle twitches; and stiffness in my jaw and neck. i went to many hospitals and doctors to conclude through normal EKGs, chest x-rays, and blood tests that they are panic attacks. they haven't really stopped since then, even though i've been medicated.

Now I've been having weird heart rhythm (occasionally) which leads to a tickle in my throat which feels like i have to clear my throat or cough lightly. i was just wondering if that was related to the panic attacks or if i should get this checked out again.

Also, for the past 2 months between periods, I've seen a lot of dark brown (almost black) blood coming out. i've been on the pill for 3 years and this has never happened to me. is that also due to the anxiety

Can stress really do this to your body?paramount theater

Could be one reason.but chances are more of side effects of the pills you have taken-Get your body cleaned of toxins through medical help.

Can stress really do this to your body?theatre opera theater

Wow you sound stressed!

lets put it this way!

you can have a heart attack from stress alone!

hell you can even DIE from stress alone!

anxiety pills really don't work you need to try something natural!

try meditation or some relaxing technecks and for crying out loud if you can't control don't stress over it! THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO.. not even superwomen !

if you have a close bond with someone and they are stress you could be picking up on there stress and keeping it for yourself so becareful who you are bonding with it maybe adding more stress on your body then you even notice! my mother and I were very close and she was stressed i bleed for over a month with 1 week break and i have psorisis it breaks out more when i get stressed!

meditation worked wonders! may help you with life issues check it out great soul searching site too!
Stress could cause all of the symptoms you listed in your first two paragraphs, but I'm not sure about the bleeding between periods.

Stress is basically another word for FEAR. When you feel fear (stressed) your body produces adrenaline. Adrenaline is the "Fight or Flight" hormone, which can 'pump' you up so you can fight or give you more energy so you can run. When stressed your body also shuts down functions other than the 'fight or flight' so you are able to move quickly and increases your tolerance to pain (you may feel numb). For example, under stress your body will stop digesting food and more blood will flow to your arms and legs. Under stress due to extra adrenaline you might have racing heartbeat, chest pain, cold hands and feet, muscle twitches.

After the stress is over and your adrenaline levels begin to drop, you may experience adrenaline withdrawal - like a hangover after drinking. Some symptoms of adrenaline withdrawal are dry mouth/tickle in throat, numbness, dizziness/lighheadedness, trembling, trouble breathing, stiffness.

To ease your stress (fear) please try EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or 'emotional tapping,' It's very easy to learn (you can learn the basics in less than one-half hour). You can use it anytime, anywhere for any physical or emotional issue. To learn EFT please go to the Emotional Freedom website ( and download the FREE EFT Instruction manual.

I used to be stressed out a lot. Did the whole therapy thing with dubious results. I learned EFT and now use it every day (morning and evening). It is amazing.

Please see your doctor/gynecologist regarding the bleeding between your periods.
Stress can do so many things to your physiological well being as well. Check out on some good home remedies. You can find good home remedies at

Did I make a mistake by having lunch with my ex gf?

Did I make a mistake?

My ex gf broke up with me 2.5 months ago. I still have feelings for her, even though I'm still unsure as to why she broke up with me (she gave me the "I'm stressed" excuse). Anyway, when she broke up with me, she said she wanted to stay friends. Long story short, we have barely spoken at all since that day, but I saw her at the cafeteria today, and asked her if she wanted to sit with me. She did (with her friend), and even though I made her laugh like old times, it still felt pretty awkward. I felt like I shouldn't have done that when it was all said and done. I dunno if we'll be closer or not now that this has happened, but it feels awkward. Did I make a mistake?

Did I make a mistake by having lunch with my ex gf?opera ticket

Yes, I think you did

Did I make a mistake by having lunch with my ex gf?pacific theater opera theater

u didnt make a mistake, but its not wise to remain friends with an ex.

Does stress cause you to get grey hair??? Or is it hereditary or both?

Im 29 and my poor lil head is starting to get all this grey hair. Ahhh i'm so concerned because I don't want to keep on dying it. But i guess i will have no choice. =(

Does stress cause you to get grey hair??? Or is it hereditary or both?home theater system

That link explains why hair turns grey. Here is one passage:

People can get gray hair at any age. Some people go gray at a young age - as early as when they are in high school or college - whereas others may be in their 30s or 40s before they see that first gray hair. How early we get gray hair is determined by our genes. This means that most of us will start having gray hairs around the same age that our parents or grandparents first did.

Some people think that a big shock or trauma can turn a person's hair white or gray overnight, but scientists don't really believe that this happens.

here is another link

Does stress cause you to get grey hair??? Or is it hereditary or both?the grand theater opera theater

It is mostly genetic BUT if you are under severe stress then it becomes conditional.
Long-term stress and health problem can cause it, but it's mostly hereditary. I started getting 'em when I was only 14!
i think its both because my mom started getting grey hair at the age of 18 because her mom started getting it around that age too so its hereditary and stress.. :))

hope I helped!
hereditary and stress. my grandmother started getting gray hair at 22. my mom got it at 30, so they think im gonna get it at 26. buuut, my sister got it earlier because she did a lot of stuff in colledge so that she could graduate 1.5 yrs early!
both. i guess dying it will be an option.
its bothh

Does anyone know of natural/homeopathic/herbal appetite enhancers?

I'm trying to gain weight, and have a lot of trouble when I'm stressed out keeping my appetite up. So far the doctor has offered to prescribe a synthetic progesterone that they use for chemo patients and AIDS patients. I'd like to stay away from the chemicals if possible!

Does anyone know of natural/homeopathic/herbal appetite enhancers?violin

You have answered your question yourself. You said you are stressed out, if so, how can you improve your body metabolism?

Remain calm, do some yoga or meditation, relax your body and mind and then see what happens. You wont need any medication at all.

As far as possible, do not take hormonal supplements unless you have a hormonal deficiency. Progesterone supplements are given if you have a deficiency of hormones.

What is your age? And what is your height and weight?

Drink lots of water, eat plenty of fiber rich foods. Bananas are supposed to increase weight.

Lastly, I am surprised to hear from anyone about increasing weight, when most of my patients are keen to reduce. Weight increase can be fast, but reducing it is a herculean task so think twice before you decide to increase your weight.

Please keep me informed about your progress and send me all the details possible for me to analyze your condition.

Does anyone know of natural/homeopathic/herbal appetite enhancers?chinese theater opera theaterI am another person that would like to gain weight. There are a few of us around. I have been VERY thin my entire life and have tried to gain weight w/out success. People forget that gaining weight can be just as frustrating as loosing. Report It

Just smoke some weed. It'll improve your attitude and remove your stress and will naturally enhance your appetite.
Swedish bitters. Increases the saliva flow which seems ot stimulate appetite. My dad and sister's FIL used it during chemo to help their appetites.
Marijuana has proven effective in places where it has been legally tested. Another reason to campaign for its being made legal. Move to California if necessary.

If a man is interested in getting to know a woman in a relationship that is personal. Will he make a

Well I work in an office. I very much like a man. I let him know that I'm not trying to vamp him. I am just looking for some time and attention from someone I personally am drawn to and find attractive. I have invited him out a few times. He has refused. Sometimes he gives me the impression he likes me, and some he seems distant. The women I work with flirt with him, and know I like him yet still chase him. I'm stressed and have decisided that I will not hangout in the presence of him anymore. Because I can't stand to be treated like the polite stranger, when I would like to be more. Now to get to the point. Do you believe it is best that I just keep my distance for the rest of my life? which is basically what I have decided to do.

If a man is interested in getting to know a woman in a relationship that is personal. Will he make an effort?musicals

Yes he will. If he has refused your invitations out for a date he is either gay or he is spoken for or he finds you intimidating.

I think you have chosen the right course of action.

If a man is interested in getting to know a woman in a relationship that is personal. Will he make an effort?opera songs opera theater

Yes, that'll work. That and finding someone else to focus on.
follow you hearth!
he already said no.

don't agonise over this more than you should, girl.

choosing to walk away now is good. You have your dignity and heart intact, and that's great!
Oh yes, he will make his move no matter what, if he interested.
Yes. He's made it clear he is not interested in you, at least not in a dating type relationship, and probably fears it even being a friendship type relationship, now that he knows you are more interested in him than that. Begin again to find someone else.
Don't be so weak, If you're English just tell him, if you don't ask you don't get, you can always laugh it off if it blows up, if you're American ask your shrink. Only kidding.
There are shy guys you know. That or he may already be in a situation. Before giving up, I would probe some more to see if this is the case and then act accordingly.
dip him in a vat of jam and roll him around in hhundreds and thousands...... that'll make him think
It seems to me he has made it clear that he doesn't want to be more than friends with you, and I think that you should respect his wishes, and just stay on friendly, colleague to colleague terms. He may have his own private reasons for not wishing to become involved with you romantically, and you can't blame him for that.
If he is interested, he will let you know.

"Keep your distance for the rest of your life" - how old are you? What is the "rest of your life" have to do with it? Sounds like "I am taking my toys and going home". Grow up.

Just because you like someone doesn't mean they have to like you back. That is just the way it is. Be civil, be cordial and keep your contacts on that level, without going out of your way to either see him or ignore him - both are obvious and you don't want to appear to be a spoiled child that didn't get their own way.
take time out for yourself, you've done your part, which is invited him out few times, he refused due to a number of reasons...have you asked him why? if not,,,no problemo...just let it be and dont feel gloomed about it. he is the way he is, flirty, probably means no harm.
i like to get to know my man and he likes to get to know me but once he refuses then he may not be the one for u and u dont hav to keep your distance for ever just search for someone that dont seem ashamed of himself
No, if you found someone that you want to be with then go after it. If he refuses then I would say it's his loss. You can't spend your life chasing what you can't have.
yes he will make effort otherwise this man is gonna annoy u e best is to stop thinking about him or just avoid him otherwise u will end up being hurt.
Effort is totally on what kind of person he is or in what situation he is in.

What i mean to is extremely hard if not impossible to tell that he likes you or not...he may seem distant but he may still be interested in you....some people dont like to make to first move or are not so confident doing it or just afraid of the outcome of it.

The second factor may be the situation he's in.....may be he's stress out due to some reason(personal and unknown to you) work, love , family.....its just endless......

So i want to say that there is not gurantee that a person who likes you will make the first effort.....why dont you make the first effort.
You've asked him out a few times, he has refused.... have you not been humiliated enough?

Turn your attention elsewhere....
If he wass interested He would seek you out.Sounds like he is giving you the cold shoulder.You and all women desrve better than that.Blow him off.Find a guy that Will treat you right.Good luck
This guy flirts for a living. Trust me and ask him what he really wants. Maybe he will tell you his intentions.
Tell him you are sorry if he felt embarrassed by you having invited him out and that you realise it may have been insensitive, that you won't do it again - and then stick to it, come what may. If he comes after you - mission achieved. If not, he clearly was not interested and you know where you stand.
Forget him - he has shown you no respect.
In my experience, as a man, flirting is just 'testing the water' and he is trying to work out whether you are genuinely interested in him.

Maybe you could try giving him a more overt signal of your liking of him ?

How about showing him your thru'pennies ?
when we find ourselves attracted to someone it can sometimes be a stressful matter especially if we don't know if the other person feels the same way. Love is a gamble but we won't know if we will be winners or losers if we don't take the chance. Don't give up on this guy just because other women find him attractive. Get out of that "polite stranger" status and make him notice you. If you can cook then prepare a lunch for the two of you and take it to work. Trust me, we men love a woman who can cook and who takes time to prepare us something.
run through these questions

1) did he understand you were inviting him out

2) refused is a string word was it refusal etc or something else

did he have other plans or a heavy schedule and responsibilities

3) were the logistics convenient, you didn't ask him 10 minutes before a bunch of you were going to go to a pub for instance

4) Is he a senior in the organisation, or going places, is there a policy against dating colleagues, would it be risky for him to date you, is it not appropriate for you guys to date in the public eye that is your office

5) Do you know what his situation is, whether he has somebody or not

If you don't know the answers to these questions you have possibly got in too deep too soon.

You are responsible for this nobody else, realise the reality of the situation, try and step back a few paces.

He may be gods gift, but understand he's a person just like you and he may be attracted to you, but just not into the pressure build up thing !!!

Next find out the answers (or solutions) with an open mind and choose powerfully from a position of what you wnt whether you still like him or not.

If you know the answers to all the questions above then you know what to do. If its positive go for it and dare to make a fool of yourself, you could end up marrying him or you may not but you might not ever know unless its clear. Try and be playful and be aware you are still in too deep !!!!!

If the answers are known and their are negatives you are still in too deep, too quickly and the best thing is to move on in the best way you can.

You could avoiding him, not do anything differently but choose lose feelings for thim over time or actually confront your feelings and actually hang out with him and convert him as a friend and not a potential lover.

This last option is the more difficult to do but it may bring the greater rewards, and would have you learning your lesson and not falling in quite so deep so quickly the next time.

Certainly both of the last two options would be better than running scarred every time you see him. Far more professional in the working environment don't you think.
