Saturday, December 5, 2009

Do you think smoking marijuana is a sin?

I am a christian and I love God with all my heart and soul, but I do smoke marijuana. I like it because it mellows me out when I'm stressed, makes me happy when I'm sad and sometimes stops cramps. So whats wrong with smoking weed. I know that your body is a temple for the holy spirit, but its grown from the earth God made this. Its from the earth. So what's wrong with it.

Do you think smoking marijuana is a sin?performing show

Anything that keeps you from God is sin. I feel that Satan has a hold on your judgment about the situation.

What's the difference between saying you smoke pot to stop cramps and skipping church because your too tired?

I once was a pothead and I know the classic excuses because I used them for years. Ask God for guidance because I believe if you need to ask this question in the first place, you know your doing some wrong.

Do you think smoking marijuana is a sin?opera score opera theaterno, its not a sin. but if you put if before God, it is. Report It

I don't think it is a sin, but it's against the law in America. I've never done it and never will, though.
i dont think its a sin..........but it is bad
Yes. It influences your freewill and damages your temple. Peace.
Marijuana is probably the best natural substance in the world. Its good for people to smoke when they need to relax. So f what everyone thinks and puff away. I know I will.

Rock on.
It is not a sin!

It makes for happier times and might even bring world peace!
There's nothing wrong wid it, JEsus looked like he was a stoner too. Just enjoy life, don't worry about stupid **** like sins and going to heaven, it dont really work like that.
Weed is God's proof that he loves us and wants us to be happy.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, as a matter of fact it was made for you and me.
No, I don't. It is less harmful than cigarettes. Is cigarette-smoking a sin? Where in the Bible (or whatever book of inspiration you prefer) where does it say thou shalt not smoke?
who cares? i got christian friends who smoke weed and they repent everytime they sin. yes it's a sin and an easy way to kill ur brain cells
Of course not. It's a plant. God put the plant on earth for a reason. I dont know what that is but its a natural growing thing. I would say no
No its not a sin just illegal
god gave that plant to help humans. people are just too stupid to see this. too much of anything (like smoke) can be harmful, though. enjoy! and can't you just ask for forgivness on your death bed and it will be ok?
it not god that made it elleagal to have it was the gov.your right god made it and he knows you smoke it so what are you afraid of go to hell.
It is a sin and it is also very, very stupid ! The ( reasons ? ) you gave for smoking are just ways fo rationalizing a very bad habit. You are addicted and trying to justify your addiction. Please consider what you are really doing to your body and mind. Be honest with yourself.

You can get free help at Narcotics Anonomoyous. It is a spiritual program and there you will find many peoiple that will help you. It is my hope that one day your mind and body is once more clean.
yeah... i think so... i think it said somewhere in the bible.... im not sure where though.
everything is wrong with u doing this. if ur a christian u would not be smoking weed. just because it grow on this earth does not mean u use it in the wrong way. weed is used for other things and is not allowed to use to mellow u out when in stress. i know alot of people who do this and are no where near knowing who Jesus is or attend church. i think u should pray and ask God to help u get rid of this habit because God is the one to go to for help in time of stress.
No, you can smoke maijuana or cigarettes and still go to heaven, you'll just get there a little faster than the rest of us. lol.
I feel confidently Christian enough to say that I don't believe God thinks that smoking marijuana is a sin. It gets back to that age-old question of how much do you smoke and how does it interfere with a healthy, Godly, daily life. If it doesn't then I think you are sinning no more than I am as I sit here answering your question and eating some spaghetti my wife made accompanied by a wonderful glass of Chenin Blanc white wine. Smoking marijuana may be against American law, but then, as long as the ACLU exists, I can't see how "Christian" we can claim our country is or will be. God Bless you.
Well jesus drank alcohol and alcohol is more dangerous and addicting and kills more people and destroys more families than cannibis, so I'd say that Jesus would probably be fine with it.
well it' the thing weed mite make you do that a sin.
No, its not a sin. Sin is a hard to diffine word depinding on your personal clasifications of sins. You may think it is wrong to smoke Marijuana, but if its a sin in your heart then its a sin. It may not be a sin for other people. Sins are self judgements of yourself. What ever someone else says is a sin, may not be a sin to you.
If we are Christian we are the temple of the Holy Ghost.

1Cr 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
nope i dont think its a sin. i think i should be legal to. i mean if ppl were geting high instead of trying to get rich and take over other countries this world would be a bada$$ place. if all the presidents and kings ever had been ubber stoners then we wouldnt have all this bloody history. it would all be like Kennedy and Krushev agreed to stop the nuclear arms race over a huge bong hit followed by the smoking of a super fattie and a high that lasted all day
There is nothing wrong with it and I don't think its a sin...its a plant from the earth nothing sinful about it.
I don't believe it's a sin. In fact, it's nice to know that there's someone who has similar views as I do. I'm sure you'll get many answers from Christians who don't share your opinions however. This is a very good question and I'm looking forward to reading some very interesting answers!
Well, as you know, the Bible states that you should conserve your body, its a temple for the holy spirit- 19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

Plus it may interfere with your consciousness and thus make you do things you usually wouldn't do. Your more open to sinning, you're making a hole for an oppertunity to sin, as your mind would be in a weaker state. But then, recent studies have shown Marijuana may help cure some diseases and stuff. I wouldn't do it, in case i'd do something stupid... but thats just me.
in christianity there is no sins but if u r realy christian u will not smoke agine
I think is as bad as drinking alcohol.

but I think the dangerous thing is your reasoning.

Anyway Cain killed Abel with a donkey jaw, so good created donkeys to the only purpose that their jaw would be used as a weapon to killing your bros?

Anyway law says you shall not and that stands in earth

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