i'm 13 years old and i started my period a couple of months ago. i still havent learned how to use a tampon yet. and its summer! i have to go to a summer camp june 24 and that's around the time i start. and at the camp we swim. what do i do?! i cant wear a pad to swim! i'm stressing out over this. i tried using a tampon but i just couldnt get it in me.... i guess im nervous? please women help me. im scared.=[
Tampon question..?events
You need get over your fear or you are going to have a miserable time at camp!
Don't be scared. It just takes some practice. If you are having a difficult time pushing the tampon into your vagina, you may need to get some vaseline and rub it on the tampon. This will allow the tampon to slide in easier. You also need to get over your embarrassment of sticking your finger inside your vagina. You are not doing anything gross, so push it in with confidence. It will not get lost, it will not break.
Good luck and have fun this summer!
Tampon question..?home theatre opera theater
normal instructions come in the box of tampons you just have to relax when they are in you are not supposed to hurt or really feel them you know they are their but you shouldn't feel anything and take them out every 4 hrs or you'll risk tss toxic shock syndrome and that is really bad just read the lil instructions that come in the box every box has them
There are some really good how to's on these sites....
but the main thing is to relax, breathe, %26amp; if it does not work the first time, you can get a new one %26amp; try again.
My mom taught me that some women sometimes have to have one leg up and resting on the toilet seat with the other on the floor to open up the canal in order to let it pass easily, but if you relax, and push gently, and don't stress then it should be easy. But practice if you're afraid.
You should have your mom or your aunt speak to them about this. You should make sure you have the correct and smallest size also. We all go through it you will be fine.
I listed a website that my daughter likes to use to look up information. I hope this helps
Good Luck
Put one leg up on the toilet seat and push it back at an angle. You can see the directions inside the tampax box
have your mother or another women go to a store with you and get the playtex gentle glide, in regular, its perfect for a girl your age. read the instruction packet inside, it will help alot, getting the right kind always does, i really recomend those kind.
get the 'slim fit' tampons...those are great for a girl as young as yourself and for virgins...they are thinner than a 'regular' absorbency tampon and easier for a first timer to use
do you have an older sister or a mother that can show you how to use one? also make sure you get the ones with the ridged edges to help with insertion and pulling it out. good luck
Try to get a slender one. Put one leg up, and painfully insert. I tried it.
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