Saturday, December 5, 2009

I need a job,when I call places they usually just say, "we are accepting applications"What

Im 17 and I'm stressing out, cause I have a car and need to keep gas in it and I'm into cars and would like to add stuff to my car to show it off. Every time I call places they just say "we are accepting applications" like what the hell am I suppose to do.

I need a job,when I call places they usually just say, "we are accepting applications"What does that mean?amc theatre

Go door to door basically to local retailers/fast food places and ask for an application. Complete the WHOLE application (don't leave anything blank, including references). The first thing that gets an application filed permanently is an incomplete application. If you can't take the time to complete it, why would I think you're going to take the time to do your job properly? See what I mean? Keep applying to many places. Many places accept applications on a fairly regular basis because turnover is high and it wouldn't be productive to call applicants who filed several months ago (as they've probably already found jobs). We keep them on file "just in case." Call a few times to show them you're interested and if you haven't gotten an interview in a few weeks, move on. As for Panera, I'd say forget it. You interviewed and the interviewer took the easy way out by telling you he has no hours for you now when he clearly made up his mind he wasn't going to hire you (particularly since he hired your friend). Practice your interviewing skills with your parents/teachers/guidance counselors. Have good answers to typical interview questions. Don't hesitate, be confident, but not cocky. Speak clearly. Have a positive attitude. If you're applying in retail or fast foods, focus on your customers service skills...what you have to offer that company's customers. Give examples of how you get along with others, how you handle multi-tasking, etc. Don't say you want the job for the money, that's obvious, tell them why you want to work THERE. Dress APPROPRIATELY for the interview. If people come in sloppy looking, lots of piercings, sloppy clothes, guess what, I'm not hiring them. I want someone who presents himself well to my customers. Good luck.

I need a job,when I call places they usually just say, "we are accepting applications"What does that mean?symphony opera theater

when you call a place ask to speak with someone in human resources dept,explain to them that you filled out an application and your extreamly interested in comming to work for them and you would like to know if it would be possable to get an interview..

if you get the same answer - wait a week and then call back again.If you have called them back two weeks in a row and they tell you the same thing, then go on and look for another job.

By calling them on a continuing basis, it lets them know that you are seriously interested.Some places will take applications every so often because they have a high rate of turn over and this way they have a fresh batch of interested people right at there fingertips...

dont just go by newspaper ads - if there is some place your interested in working - submit an application - you could also try your local dept of labor or work force and see what they have listed for jobs

the best you can do is keep trying - dont give up
That means when you go to get a appointment they need an

a. Don't call to ask if they're hiring. Have the gumption to go in person to pick up an app. Most crappy high school jobs are ALWAYS hiring, at least the right person. Dress nice.

b. If they're accepting applications, that means they're hiring. This way, they don't have to explain to you why if they don't hire you.
It means...we want to see you. Even though businesses are not supposed to be biased, they want to know if you mean you need employment. Best thing to do is to go in and ask for a manager straight out. Tell them you would like to work there and you are interested in filling out an application. (this is because employees will sometimes take one look at you and throw your applicatoin away, so you want to make sure the manager sees you).Make sure you dress the part, and look people in the eye. Don't forget to smile. It can't hurt to drop off a resume. (if you don't already have one make one )

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