Saturday, December 5, 2009

Can stress make your period come late or not come at all?

So here is the info for you:

I am sexually active, but use a condom EVERY TIME and am on the pill. I haven't missed a pill at all and he never ejaculates inside of me, ever.

But here is the flip side. About 3 weeks ago, I found out my mother had masses on her liver, and I've been crying, and not sleeping, and eating unheathily, and to say the least I've been an emotional wreck. We now know she has Inflammatory Breast Cancer, stage 4, that has spread to her Liver via her Lymph system.

I took two tests, and both came back negative for pregnancy.

It's only been a few days since my period should have started. And I know it wants to, because I'm cramping, and I broke out on time as usual.

So, I wanted to ask, is it possible that this upset about my mother could be making my period late, or make it not come at all?

Can stress make your period come late or not come at all?opera singer

yes it can, it may affect your hormones

but unfortunaltly... it will not make it not come at all, or else we would all be stressed on purpose

hope that helped and sorry about what happend to your mom

Can stress make your period come late or not come at all?amc theater opera theater

Yes it can.
Yes the stress of those things can definitely affect your cycle.
It can.
yes, and sorry about your mother :(
It can .Don't you know

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