Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can I have a hug?

I've had a really bad day, I'm exhausted, my friends have stopped talking to me for no reason that has anything to do with me, and I'm stressed out about school. And my family's no help about any of it. Can I please have a hug, since no one I know will give me any?

Can I have a hug?state theatre


Here you go, sweetie...

[throw my arms around you, squeeeeeeze, and pat-pat-pat, kiss on the cheek]

Everything will look better in the always does.

Your friends are stressed about school too, and no one has any extra love to give out right now...

But you just wait...summer's coming, classes will be over, there's the pool and the beach, and sleeping in, and watermelon, and home-grown tomato sandwiches and ice cream that melts before you get to the end of the cone...

You'll see. it will be more than fine.....

Can I have a hug?theater opera theaterThanks for the 10 points! {bonus hug!} Report It

I need one, too. I've been really sad tonight. I'm crying and feeling bad for myself. Let's go hide somewhere and cry together.
**Hugz** xxx

Trust me, yesterday was horrible and today wasnt any better, i feel your pain...
Sure!! Where can I mail it to ya?
here ((( hugs! ))) I think that how you do it in cyber space
Huge virtual hug on its way to you.
((((((((((((((((((Giant HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Yes, you can have a hug. Sorry to hear you had a bad day.
Aaawww wanna kiss too? Pucker up doll face.....
Ok. You can have a hug from my puppy too... xoxoxoxox
big hugs from kentucky
Sure you can have a hug. Hugs to you!
I think Wal-mart sells hugs; they come in 40 hug packs.
i give you one sounds like you are having one of those days that every thing is turned up side down..........xoxox
C'mere,,Ill give ya a nice warm hug...!

I need one myself !

Go watch a kids movie that wil make you laugh. I do that and you just can not stay sad watching one. I watch The Lion King to The Wild or old ones like Ants.
Sorry your day was bad. When you wake up tomorrow, tell yourself that its a brand new day, and try to make it a good one. Hugs!
Yep. Big Hug. Just know you are not alone.

Things will get better...hope the hug helped! hug as well? my friend's think i'm crazy when i ask for hugs, i dont have a boyfriend, and its not like my crush is any help - he likes me as a friend... my mom gives hugs but then she'll sense something's wrong and i don't wanna tell her sometimes, so i guess we're all in this together. i had a crappy detention today that, thank god, lasted for 5 minutes, so that was lucky...

lol...i forgot what i was here for...ah well, you can have a cyber hug...**wrapping arms around you, or at least trying to**

share your troubles with us, we're a big internet family around here =]
I just gave ya' 3 all the way from california with luv to ya' always dear~
Sure, here is a big bear ~hug~. Hope your day is better tomorrow.
Here you go sweetie! HHHHHUUUUGGGG! and some kisses 2! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxxoxoxoxox...

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