Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ladies have you ever had this craving?

When I'm getting ready to start my period I crave cigarettes. I have never ever smoked in my life but I find myself thinking "I really need a cigarette" especially when I'm stressed. Have any of you ever experienced this? It goes away after I start my period. What could be causing this?

Ladies have you ever had this craving?ballet

Premenstrual syndrome suspected. There is no single cure for PMS.

Many women, however, have found that making changes to their lifestyle can help to control the symptoms.

These include:

* Eating a balanced and nutritious diet

* Eating smaller and more frequent meals

* Reducing the consumption of sugar and salt

* Cutting out alcohol and caffeine

* Taking regular exercise

* Supplementing the diet with vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium and zinc

* Sleeping properly

Ladies have you ever had this craving?globe theater opera theater

No I have not had that craving...Thank God! As to the cause...I am clueless.
well me is chocolate or eat with salt and vinegar or sweet and sour stuff
When your about to start you crave things you've heard about in movies or T.V. Yes its happened to me .I've craved sex an I'm a virgin and I've craved alcohol and I've drank and I've wanted a cig and I've never smoked.Chew nicotene or any kind of gum!
For you it may be cigarettes, but for me it's usually bitter chocolate... and then BAM! I get my chums a day or two after... :-)
I crave chocolate not cigarettes.
I have never heard of the cigarettes thing before..i could see maybe if you have smoked before. but how can you crave something you have never had?? that's a new one. I crave red meat sometimes when i have PMS. I believe that's from the loss of iron..but the you think it could be more like psychological..the stress and wanting something in your mouth??
Whenever I had a period, I crave chocolate and sweets. It normal to my craving when your period comes on.

Check these websites out about montly periods

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