Saturday, December 5, 2009

How can I remove all this high school stress?

First of all, I didn't get to go to the high school that I wanted to. Now I'm stuck at this weirdo charter school. People seem to want to hang out with the people they already know and not put a effort into meeting me, so I just gave up...I sit by a few people at lunch (2) and they seem to talk, but I don't have any classes with them. I just got a new schedule with new people, so I'm back to the beggining. I'm not having the best time T-T It's so bad, that I come home crying almost everyday - which sounds pathetic but it's something I don't do very often. I dread tomorrow every evening, making it hard for me to focus. x____x oyyy.

So if you have any tip, PLEASE let me know. We're also going on a 4 and a half day over night trip to a farm next Monday, and I don't know anyone, so if you can, help there too.


How can I remove all this high school stress?ms stress

i feel your problem, cos i have lived many years in 3 different countries, then came back to my country and felt like being abroad cos i knew nobody.

try to find hobbies that interest you. p.ex. sports, dance lessons, etc. This will allow you to socialise and also have fun.

as you are new at school, you may ask your classmates for some advice on lessons, library hours etc.

You have already made a start with the few ppl you met at lunch. socialise with them and they will probably present you new friends. if you think they are trustworthy, you can mention your problem or just suggest a coffee outside etc.

Finally please note that being alone for some time is not a bad thing. it allows to know yourself better.

go to the trip and try to be friendly (dont overdo it!). be also prepared for the worst case scenario (a book and a walkman can be good friends if you need them), but try to think positive and everything will be fine. good luck! :-)

How can I remove all this high school stress?home theater system opera theater

try to talk to loads of different people in your school don't be nervous act confident over the next week and I'm sure you will a few new friends.

now for the trip i wouldn't worry just think positive thoughts and I'm sure you will be surprised and have a good time and might Even make some more new friends.

act confident, don't worry and eventually you will start to enjoy school.
First off you need to talk to people. if you overhear a conversation and you know something about it join in. Next I will tell you to find a group sports or music or art whatever you are interested in and join it. Learn to look outside yourself and you will understand that others are just as scarred as you are. High school is like that everywhere and for just about everyone. put yourself into a situation that you will enjoy most schools have a lot of extra things you could be doing if you don't know what they are go to a counselor and ask. Good luck.
Since you are the new girl, you have to put up with some sort of initiation rights. Be aggressive about meeting people - go talk to someone, even under the pretext of asking for homework help or taking down notes or something. Let the conversation develop from there. It is not easy to join a large group of people you do not know and try to be friendly with them so start with one person at a time. If you approach an individual they would be more open to speaking with you. Eventually, when you make one friend, you will be introduced to more people they know and so on. Come out of your shell! Don't be down- and keep trying.
I will first introduce myself to qualify my response to a degree. I am currently in the last trimester in a Masters of Arts program in Counseling, so I have had a lot of years of schooling and yes stress! I could type a multitude of suggestions for you or I could give you a link that I have found that has some really great suggestions in a language that I think you will understand. These are some of the best suggestions that I could give you myself plus some extra information to help you. I have no relationship with this website other than it is one that I found.

I think that you will find this to be very helpful for you.

Below is pasted a section of this web site followed by the link:

How do you balance the stress in your life?

Stay aware of your signs of stress. If you are having signs of stress, follow the tips below to avoid stress overload (distress). Since stress will be with us the rest of our lives, it is important to know some ways of dealing with stress.

Ways to handle too much stress

Take deep breaths/Practice deep breathing exercises

Watch your thoughts/think positive

Find time to relax and cool out

Pray or read something inspirational

Visualize what you want to happen

Use pressure points to reduce headaches

Talk problems over with a friend or counselor

Don't dwell on your weaknesses

Feel proud of your accomplishments

Exercise daily

Do muscle tension relaxation exercises

Punch a pillow, scream or kick a can

Prepare for tests early

Eat a nutritious meal or snack

Take one thing at a time

Set realistic goals

Stop worrying about things that may never happen

Learn from your mistakes

Forgive yourself and others

Get involved with things you like to do

Make time for fun

Do something for others

Use the four steps to problem solving:

Brainstorm solution

Think of the consequences

Choose a solution

Evaluate your choice
Well if you're back at the beginning make a fresh start. I know it may be hard but you have got to put yourself out there. I can understand how being new you would hope your classmates would extend the hand of friendship first but people being what they are that isn't likely to happen. Don't sit and wait for them to approach you, approach them. It's scary I know but I think you would be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

If you smile at people and just hi or small talk about a class you share things will start to happen. You might join a club at school something you are interested in. You would meet people you already have something in common with and that makes it easier to make friends.

Your overnight trip might prove a blessing in disguise. When you take people away from the things they know and put them in another environment behaviours can change. You will probably end up doing things in groups and doing things none of you know how to do and will need to help each other. That is a great way to form bonds of friendship.

I know everyone in high school wants to be in with the cool kids but that is such a load of rubbish. The more popular you try to become the less likely you are to succeed. Be open to everyone, some of the nicest people I know are complete geeks (or were).

Try not to worry over what people might be thinking of you, they don't know you so it doesn't matter. Just be yourself, remind yourself of your good qualities and the things you have to offer to others and the friendships will come.

A positive attitude is very important, no one wants to hang around with someone who is gloomy looking all the time. Many people would read that as "leave me alone" or "don't talk to me", body language is important.

Good luck, things will turn around.
First of all, i find that being yourself is crucial to making friends. Join some clubs, go out of your way to talk to people you don't usually. Ask questions about them and just think of it this way: School is for learning and not for friends, even if they do make it more fun ;) I'm in year 9 and i have heaps of friends, so trust me, just be yourself and if it doesnt work, focus on your studies as best you can and they all come running ;) Just relax, most teens have this problem. I used to, just appreciate the friends you have and GOOD LUCK ON THE FARM TRIP BY THE WAY!!!!!!!! ^_^

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