Saturday, December 5, 2009

I feel hungry all the time?

I'm stressed, so i feel hungry all the time. what can i do to stop this? I'm normal weight, but i've been putting on some weight lately because of this! how can i suppress my hunger?

I feel hungry all the time?binoculars

Well, suppressing you hunger might not be what you are looking for. Usually when your body is thirsty it will make you think you are hungry, yet in reality you are just thirsty. Try drinking water when you feel hungry. Wait 30 minutes. If you are still hungry, eat something healthy like a fruit. Drink again. The stress is another factor. You might want to slow down and take some time for yourself. If you work out, your stress levels will decrease and so will your hunger.

I feel hungry all the time?violin opera theater

Drink plenty of water during the day. Try eating 5 to 6 smaller meals a day, that includes snacks. And add some exercise, it will help you when you feel stressed.
If you always feel hungry all the time, then you should eat frequent, small healthy snacks/meals. Go for things that are low in fat, high in fiber and protein. Like a sandwich on whole wheat, wheat pretzels, yogurt, fruit.... if you feel like you have to eat all the time, make healthier choices. You may find that you may actually lose weight this way, because it will boost your metabolism to eat small healthy meals.

If stress is causing you to eat all the time, AVOID JUNK FOOD LIKE THE PLAGUE! If you see that you are gaining weight, you will continue to gain weight by eating junk all the time.
drink water when u feel hungry, and also other noncarbonated tea, non caffinated coffee....teas in general will help

try healthy snacks when u get hungry...yogurt...carrot sticks...raisins...etc

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