Thursday, December 10, 2009

My child is constantly sick, why?

My 5 year old is sick all the time since starting school. I'm not just talking 1 cold that overstayed it's visit. She gets sick for 10 days (fever, cough, stuffy nose), better for a week and a half, sick again 10 days, better for a week now sick again. I'm stressed out. House is clean, she eats super healthy and washes hands. Doctors diagnose typical colds- but this many? In a row? Constantly? Are other kids sick this much? She is going to the bathroom Okay, btw.

My child is constantly sick, why?performing shows

Encourage vitamins, fluids, %26amp; rest. Also, handwashing...teach her NEVER to touch her face while at school...everything has germs on it...%26amp; when she touches her eyes, nose, or mouth...she's introducing those germs to her body.

She's gonna have a rough year her first year in school %26amp;, in my opinion ( I work in an elementary school), it's a particularly gnarly germ pool this year!

She will build immunities and her subsequent years in school should be better.

Beware of the sinus infections...some require more than your standard 10 days of antibiotics. Usually it takes a full 21-day dose to really eradicate the infection....otherwise she'll seem fine while it's in check %26amp; then seem to be sick "again" when it progresses. My daughter is queen of sinus.

My child is constantly sick, why?say yes opera theater

take her to a chiropractor and give her vitamins
sounds like she just doesn't have a tough immune system. Give her a daily vitamin and go to the health store and look for something called "immu A". This helps to better an immune system and keeps away ear infections. When you go to the health store ask the person working what you can give your daughter to help her build a better immune system. This really will help....I guarentee it!
Maybe something is going on at school that keeps making your child ill. She should probably go to the doctor.
It's because she just started school and schools are filled with sick kids, germs, etc. Her immune system wasn't used to it, it should get better after this year once her immune system builds up.
It is cold and flu season.

Make sure she isn't putting her fingers in her mouth after touching like the grocery cart or something. Make sure she washes her hands frequently.
It is normal for a kid to be sick a lot when they are around a lot of other kids. Make sure she is taking vitamins. A company called Arbonne makes vitamins that are easily absorbed into the system so they are more beneficial than ones that you can get at the store. Tell her to make sure that she is not sharing drinks with other kids at school, and washing her hands at school. What kids do at home when mom and dad are watching and what they do at school can be two totally different things. Maybe get her a bottle of hand sanitizer to keep in her desk.
Ask a teacher about when they first began teaching and how sick they were all the time... most will tell you about either a never-ending cold, or five million colds. Schools are just full of germs and her body probably isn't used to it yet. Keep up the handwashing and the eating healthy. Make sure she gets a multivitamin, and consider sending her to school with the lil bottle of hand disinfectant.
probably a weak umne stystem.....make sure she drinks plenty of orange juice and vitamins
You might be overcleaning your house, and this might be setting your child up for the less sanitary places at school. This might not seem to make sense, but if you think about it, you see that her body has a weak immune system since it hasn't had to defend itself from anything in your house, but then is overwhelmed by the germs at school.

Try cleaning regularly, but not with chemicals. Try using natural alternatives that will keep your house clean, but not unnaturally clean to a point where she is unable to build up a healthy immune system.

Also, don't let her use hand sanitizers like Purel. They kill the beneficial microorganisms on hands as well as the good ones, making it even easier to get sick.

Try this, but also try those immune system boosting supplements mentioned in previous answers! Talk to your doctor about them before giving them to your kid too. What might be good for adults might not be good for a five year old.

Good luck!
Have her checked out for asthma. The cold lasting for so long sounds like a symptom of asthma. Also her immune system is shot because of being sick for so long. Try giving her vitamins and make sure she's getting lots of sleep! Sleep helps the immune system repair itself. If she has gotten behind on sleep that will keep her body run down %26amp; therefore make her catch colds more easily. Please talk to her doctor about the possibility of asthma -- they usually won't diagnose anyone before the age of 5 or 6 but let the doctor know your comcerned. Good luck! Hope she's feeling better soon!!
I was sick A LOT when i was that age! I started taking Claritin and i didn't get sick as much! No clue why, maybe it is just one cold that goes idle (for about a week) and then sparks up again!%26gt;?
I know how you feel i have a 5 yr old daughter and a 9 year old daughter and both of them have been sick on and off since school started and my 16mo old daughter keeps getting it from them it's been horrible first my 5yr old have strep then all of us got it like 2 weeks after school started then both had bronchitis and a cold and so on. 5 yr old just got over a cold now today she was complaining of a sore throat. so yea you have to just wait it out and if she's not getting better then take her in. we've seen the Dr about 4 times already since September. Good Luck
it is normal this time of year and also if it is the first time she is around a lot of children

what you need to do is to go to the pharmacy and buy her some vitamin or cod liver oil

that has help me a lot for my children
If it's her first year in school being exposed to all kinds of kids with all kinds of germs, I wouldn't say this is anything out of the ordinary. She might just need some time to build up an immunity to all the "bugs" out there. Plus, some people just have more of a tendency to get sick than others. I saw a special on the Discovery channel a while back on it - they think this is genetic.

If it makes you feel any better, during my first year of teaching I was ALWAYS sick, caught everything that went around, and by year two I seemed to be immune to a lot of it.
While it's fantastic to be a germ buster, you could be overdoing it and the chemicals are making your child sick. old is your house? I'd have it inspected for mold and termites. If you have anything living in the walls, it's going to make one sick...especially a child with a weaker immune system than an adult. Also, push good nutritious food and vitamins. The gummy ones are great!

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