Thursday, December 10, 2009

What's a good way to deal with stress applied from school?

I'm going into 11th grade and I've heard it's the toughest year of high school. I'm in lot's of extracurricular activities and try to get good grades. I'm currently ranked 3rd out of about 1100 people. I know I can keep this rank if I try hard enough, but I feel like I have no life. How can I find a balance of schholwork and social life?

What's a good way to deal with stress applied from school?ballet theater

Well exercise is a great way to deal with stress, so if none of your extracurricular activities involve physical athletics then I suggest you make the time to do something active, even if it is outside of school - like martial arts. It sounds like you are in good shape academically, so I also suggest to reduce your stress to give yourself a break, honey! You have earned to right to have fun and be proud of yourself. Just keep in mind that although these years of highschool are important, there is still more to life than just this and years from now you do not want to regret that you made yourself grow up too have to take a break and balance your life with some fun too. You don't have to say yes to every activity and you don't have to say yes to every social event. As long as you do that then you will have balance. Have a great junior year! Good luck!

What's a good way to deal with stress applied from school?chicago theater opera theater

Stress is not applied it is accepted. It will all be over soon. Think about it this way: If it is not going to be important in five years, don

't let it bother you. I know you think this old man knows nothing, but I have been there too. I was born young.
Sometimes you just won't. But organization is key. If you don't already, get an organizer. Fill in time for every class, meeting, and extra cirricular activity you have. Fill in time for homework and studying, but whenever you have a chance to do something with your friends put that in there too, and fill up around that. That might mean getting up early to study- even on a weekend. Its all in time management.
I've been an over-achiever since 7th grade and extremely prone to panic attack brought on by stress. Now I'm on Prozac, cool as a cucumber and still and over-achiever.

Some people can just handle stress well, but I couldn't. Everybody has their own methods.

It's okay to sacrifice something social for something for school--you only have one chance to to take advantage of a high school education. You seem like you've worked hard to get to the top. Just remember what you want out of life, and that should help you with work ethics and time management.

Good luck--11th grade is hard, but it's one step closer to 12th which is almost a breeze. Just keep up that GPA.

I know I sound like a rambling dork, but hey...I know where I'm going.
Make sure that you organize your life and include time each day that you can relax and do something that is not school related. Even if it's just 5 minutes each day reading or listening to some music that you like. Always remember "This too shall pass" This year can be great. Good luck.
First you have to prioritize yourself. You can't overwhelm yourself for the sake of juggling lifestyles.

To be 3rd out of 1100 people is awesome. You must spend hours making sure you get those A+s. To have a social life you have to take time out of that busy schedule to just hang out. This may, sadly, affect your perfect grades.

It all depends on what you want more. If you want something badly enough you will always find a way to make it work.


I just finished 11th grade and the only horrible part about it was the tests at the end of the year. Stress from work is relieved by having a little bit of "Me Time" which is doing something that you really enjoy. I prefer music and comics. Everyone has their own thing.
Hi, Don't mix up things. You should enjoy what you are doing. Education is just for moulding a person. Ranks are just numbers.

You will get what you are destined to get. Never give up your hard work. You will achieve greater heights

All the best
Hey there, what do u want more? A perfect grade or a happy life? Enjoy ur studying course and outdoor activities, too (or anything make u cheerful like music, dance, chitchat, draw, film....). Education is not about the grade but ur knowledge and personality. I think u need more good friends to help u relax. Gud luck!

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