Saturday, December 5, 2009

How do you deal with stress while doing wedding pictures on that important day?

After a 12 hour day shooting pictures I'm more tired than a 12 hour day in a factory. How can that be? My camera is only a few pounds and my two white lighting lights are five pounds each. (I only lift them to put them on a stand) Maybe I'm just too old.

How do you deal with stress while doing wedding pictures on that important day?city opera

Not only are you on your feet and working for 12 hours, you are also stressing about making the pictures perfect for the bride. It may be a bridezilla making your day more tiring than actually taking the pictures!

How do you deal with stress while doing wedding pictures on that important day?performing shows opera theater

I never realize I'm bushed until I'm getting in my car to go home following the festivities.

First thing when I get home is download from cards onto CD's and hard drive, Second thing is long, hot shower and some mindless HGTV or Food Network. Works wonders!
Its the same reason why my shoulder and neck are sore after doing graphic design on the computer for 12 hours straight! Its not like the mouse is heavy! Repetitive moment in a localized area. Sucks doesnt it.
have a few drinks before, during and always works for me
take a deep breathe
Weddings are stressful.
I think having a very organized game plan with the bride and groom helps. Before the wedding, have a meeting with them to determine which shots are most important and plan out when you'll take them so they know what family members need to be where and when. This will ease some of the stress.
A twelve hour day on your feet would make anyone tired-wouldnt it?

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